Shooting a right hand gun left hand

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Jan 27, 2013
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Ever done this? I did for years back when Thompson first came with the Renegade. I never has a problem never remember seeing the spark from a cap.

I am a normal person and therefor shoot right handed guns correctly but my life-long hunting buddy is left handed and uses right handed guns exclusively; says its easier to learn to do that then to find a lefty when you want one.. He shoots a CVA Mt Rifle in Right Hand quite well.
I've shot right-handed guns left-handed ever since I've been shootin' muzzleloaders(or anything else for that matter). only problem I've encountered is when I forget to wear a long-sleeved shirt at the range I get a cap spark to the fore-arm from time to time. bought a left-hand renegade & it feels totally foreign to me.
Yep I'm a southpaw and shoot righty MLoaders with no problem. Bought a left hand bolt 06 back in the mid 80's and ended up selling it, just didn't feel right. Bent
You can do it with percussion, flintlock works much less well wrong way round. I am a lefty, my strong suggestion, find a lefty. TC and Lyman both make them in percussion and flint for very reasonable prices. Since we have the choice might as ell take advantage. You will like it much better.
I you had to do this make sure that you never do so without good eye protection! Geo. T.
I have a friend who prefers to shoot flintlocks. Only thing is that all of his guns are right handed guns and he is lefthanded. I don't know how he can control his shots as well as he does but he surely does and can put his shots right where he wants them to go. Apparently he has found a way to totally ignore the flash in front of his face. Based on the other answers you have gotten, he is not the only one who can do it. I once tried shooting a lefthanded flintlock and I am righthanded. After that experience, I don't know how he does it. If you are lefthanded and shoot a righthanded flintlock well......all I can say is "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.".
Billnpatti said:
... Apparently he has found a way to totally ignore the flash in front of his face. Based on the other answers you have gotten, he is not the only one who can do it. I once tried shooting a lefthanded flintlock and I am righthanded. After that experience, I don't know how he does it. If you are lefthanded and shoot a righthanded flintlock well......all I can say is "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.".
I'm right-handed & right-eye dominant, so mostly shoot right-handed long-arms. However, I have a flint double, and I honestly don't notice the near-side flash or lock movement any more than the far-side ones. I may have in the beginning, but I can't remember doing so any more. Actually, there's a lot I don't remember so well any more.

Tom, in one of our varied venues for monthly muzzle loader shoots we take five shots right handed and then five shot left handed from the same gun we started with. That makes for some interesting target groups. That is if you can keep em all on paper at 50 yards. :grin: MD
Good skill to have when you're in the tree stand and a buck shows up off your right shoulder.

Passed up an easy shot at one once because I'd never shot lefty. Now I'm ready.
Loyalist Dave said:
Apparently folks who shoot SxS shotguns, either caplock or flintlock, don't have a problem when they fire the barrel with a lock on the same side as their face.


Shotgun - Rifle, think there might be a slight difference in getting accurate bullet placement versus a 12 gauge pattern?

With good shooting glasses and concentration you can learn to shoot a right lock left handed. Why however would I want to if I have a choice.

Just for chitz and giggles I learned to stand on my head and play the Harmonica, but it is a hell of a lot easier to do standing right side up.
Not if you're shooting prb out of the sxs shotgun, which I frequently do. If you are concentrating on the target or the game, you shouldn't even notice the firearm going off.
Been shooting righthander guns left-handed all my life. Wouldn't know what to do with a lefthander. But I do like my underhammer!
I'm left handed and have all right hand guns. I have a Pedersoli Pennsylvania flinter in right hand, a T/C hawken perc. and a CVA hawken in perc. both right hand, two bolt guns in right hand. I don't have any problems, and enjoy shooting the Pedersoli flinter (Some sentimental reasons for that as well). However, proper eye protection is essential.
Been shooting righty guns left handed for 30 years. Cap not flint. Don't care for the pan going off in front of my face but don't mind a cap. I recently bought left hand Lymans in both flint and caplock. I have to tell you- I like it a lot better.