Visual acuity as well as protecting your eyes during any shooting is a safety issue, and takes precedent over most PC/HC issues. Wear your glasses any time you shoot, or are near the firing line. If you are re-enacting a role at Williamsburg or some other historic site, that requires you to be totally HC, THEN consider buying those old style glasses. 30 years ago, a friend of mine spent well over $100 to buy "specs", and even had prescription lenses made for them. They looked "cool" but he found they were too small to offer much protection to his eyes when shooting, and he found them next to impossible to wear his AND sight down his barrel and front sight. Something about the way they fit his ears, and nose. :surrender:
In disgust, he put them in his range box, and got his normal glasses out to wear to finish the shoot. He still wore the "specs" around camp, but I don't recall him ever wearing them again to shoot his gun. :hmm: :thumbsup: