Just completed a nice shot bag with a shoulder carry strap.
Bag measures 5" by 3" and is 1 1/2" thick. Strap measures 58" by 5/8" and can be shortened with the 100% brass buckle.
Brass spout measures 1 1/2" and the hole 3/8".
I have not completed the assembly of the bag and strap which will be done when buyer designates which side they plan to carry the bag on.
Priced at $55.00 which includes shipping to the lower 48.
Bag measures 5" by 3" and is 1 1/2" thick. Strap measures 58" by 5/8" and can be shortened with the 100% brass buckle.
Brass spout measures 1 1/2" and the hole 3/8".
I have not completed the assembly of the bag and strap which will be done when buyer designates which side they plan to carry the bag on.
Priced at $55.00 which includes shipping to the lower 48.