I have a Chrony FII (I think that's the model) that I have used without the sun- screens installed. I put a piece of folded metal (old parking sign) over the front to protect it from shot. There's a sweet spot where it will register, and my best guess is that it sees the shot before it really spreads out, or it picks up the cards. RIght about 11-feet from the muzzle I get consistent readings that seem to be about what I'd expect. For instance, wtih a 12-gauge using a 1 1/8 ounce scoop of powder and shot I get 1145 FPS average. Another side note, with Pyrodex RS and Goex FFFg the average is the same. When I checked my waterfowl load of 1 5/8 oz (and the shot was Bismuth so actually weight is a hair different) the RS produced a faster velocity than the FFFg repeatedly. Not enough to fret over, but almost 50 FPS difference. Last conclusion from me - what the pattern looks like at the range you're going to use it is more important than the velocity of the load.