I'm a big Colt's BP Fan, and own one of each of the Colt models. '51 Navy, Walker, Whitneyville Dragoon, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd models and a '60 Army.
I just really love the handling characteristics of the Remington '58 New Army! It's lighter, handier feeling, and it spins on your trigger finger, like a SAA 1873. The shoot nice and are easier to load and clean.
I can see why, they were supposedly, more popular with Army Officers, than the Colts. It's a better made gun, and a stronger solid frame. Colt was just a better company for Marketing!
I like the Remmys so much, I bought a second one, after my stainless steel one, in Case Hardened frame with checkered stocks. I still have to shoot that one.
Yes, you need to get one! That's my vote!