chambers builds a very strong lock, it does depend on which lock yo have i guess. my round face and virginia lock both have about 9-10 pound pull to cock the hammer.. this gives big sparks with big flints.. if you want a light trigger pull jim recomends the pin be close to the lock lever.. assembly instructions for my mark silver/ virginia rifle with round faced lock.. 10. to achieve a light trigger pull, the trigger pin hole should be drilled as high on the trigger as possible, and the lock sear should engage the trigger close to the pin.. position trigger thru the trigger plate in stock, properly align for sear engagement and drill 1/16 hole comlpetely thru stock and trigger. cut away rear portion of trigger a little at a time until lock sear will fully engage at both half and full cock notches.. ..... this type of gun has a pin thru the stock for the trigger pivot, and it dead ends under lock and plate.. of course these instructions utilize jim chambers parts.. good luck dave..