It's not hard if you have the proper equipment. You need to hang it up, and need a good sharp skinning knife like a buck zipper, which I think is the best skinning knife on the market, and I skin alot of animals every year. If you are going to mount it you need a saw so you can easily cut off the paws and head (leaving them attached to the hide), it can be done with a knife but it's much easier with a saw, and it gives you more options. Dont skin out those parts leave it for the taxidermist as that is where you will hack it up if you don't kow what you are doing. It's really almost as easy as a deer it's just stinkier greasier and the hide oviously requires greater care. Once the hide's off you process the meat like a deer pretty much. Make sure you cool that bear off ASAP after killing it I carry ice with me in the truck to stuff into the chest cavity, if you don't it'll ruin the meat quick.