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small 4X4 whitetail deer - maybe one got away

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50 Cal.
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Okay - I bagged a 8 pt whitetail today - Was sitting in my tree stand - just a fork of a big live oak that I have spikes to climb up - anyway a nice doe comes by and although I tried I could not get a clear shot - she walked off and was followed about 5 minutes later by a decent buck - I lined up on him and when my sights touched his shoulder I fired - deer flinched and turned 90 degrees (I was sure I hit him good because - when I fired he had a great avenue of escape without having to turn - after he turned he trotted (not running) back under my tree hide (if I had a swivel breech) I could have shot him again - he was a good buck 8 or 9 pt - turned down a deer trail (about 45 degree turn) - and I was certain as I was reloading I would find him just down the trail - I waited and reloaded - called my GF that I had a buck down - she came up to help me find the buck - we looked and spooked another 10 deer or so between us - we went in different directions - about 30 minutes later - I spooked a deer that was not moving fast - he went into an area nearby

I was moving in that general direction and could see Denise - buck moved and I shot (quick snap shot) and buck ran about 15 yds and piled up (GF saw the whole thing) she said he was still up - I reloaded and joined her and fired again - deer lurched and laid down - didn't move while it expired.

The wounds on the deer are as follows ham shot traversing forward (running deer quartering from me) through the body clipping lung - and through and through neck shot.

Here is what I think happened - deer I fired at (not certain but felt it was a bigger deer) from tree was hit -

Here is what doesn't compute - if it was the same deer I bagged there should be 3 bullet holes - there were only two - through and through in neck (Denise thinks this was the 2nd shot I fired at the deer near both of us) and the ham through body shot - bullet fully flattened and found between meat and hide on opposite side -

if it is the same deer I had to miss completely on the first shot - or it had to be a through and through neck shot - and that deer looked and acted hit - but we found no blood and lost trail - deer I killed was within 40-60 yds of where I shot at the first deer - because the other wound would be consistant with a deer quartering away from me and we know that was the one I bagged because GF had a view of it the entire time - and would have had to miss my coup de grace shot at 15 yds - which GF said I didn't because she saw the deer react and drop it's head on that shot.

What do you think same deer or different deer? :idunno: :confused:
Done similar years ago with my W94. Shot a buck, buck jumps behind a tree, from same tree another deer runs, Idid not know it was a second deer, got two deer :doh:

What ever bud, you tried your best.

Any cuts or grazes?

No - cuts or grazes - was a cold night here we are going out on horses today to see if we can find another deer down

GF and I think I may have shot two and just want to know for sure if possible
I got wasp stung in the temple in WV early doe season. Any ways I had trouble seeing and shot at a doe. She acted hit. Went down and no blood, no hair. Tracked her by leaves turned over etc. ( frosted that morning) for a good 75-100 yards and could look off the mountain to the bottom. Went back to camp for Benadryl and advice from dad. I decided to hunt the afternoon and couldn't stop thinking so I tried to track her some more. Spooked a raven down in the holler. Figured its a chance and there she laid. She ran about 250 yards with a double lung shot. Bled the last 30 yards after a chunk of lung came out. Moral of the story, trust your gut and look until your conscience says it's okay. I've found deer by watching crows, ravens, and buzzards. Hope it was cold over night and the skunks ain't in it.
BTW. The wasps were awakened by a warm stove and decided to rest in my toboggan. Had 3 in it when I put it on that morning. YOUCH! That smarted me good