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snow day hunting trip.

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silent sniper

40 Cal.
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
i woke up at 6 and looked on the news to see that school was cancelled because of a snow storm we got. i called up Aaron (thomp shooter) and told him we needed to go do some squirrel hunting. i got my 32 flintlock all ready, hopped in my mini truck, and drove the 2 miles over to aarons house. when i got there aaron was all ready to go.he had his 32 cal crockett rifle. we got back in the mini truck and drove a fews miles over to his uncles house. we hadent hunted there any together this year and we knew it would pry be some good hunting. as we came in the drive way i looked to see 2 fox squirrels sitting in a tree. we parked the truck and went after them. they saw us and disappeared. we didnt look for them because we knew i wold be easier to go find another squirrel.as we walked into the front yard i saw a squirrel sitting in a tree. i threw the gun up and told aaron i was gonna take it.just then it ran along a wood pile and i saw a squirrel go up the tree i had previously seen the first squirrel on. i bolted towards the tree and aaron went after the first one that ran on the wood pile. aarons squirrel made it to a den tree so he came back to me. i looked up to see not 1 but 2 grey squirrels in the tree ! aaron got on 1 side and i got on the other. the first grey came around and i dropped it with the 32 flinter. as aaron got ready to take the second grey he looked up to see a red squirrel in the very top of the tree ! i shot the red and then the other grey started coming down the tree. i stopped it and aaron dropped it with a texas heart shot. there had been 4 squirrels in 1 tree ! we went inside his uncles house to warm up. it was 10 degrees out with high winds which made it in the -10 degree range. when we were slightly above not being frozen we went back out to find some more squirrels. we walked around back where we first saw the 2 squirrels on the driveway. we were walking around the backside of the tree trying to see where the squirrels went. we were exaiming the tree when all of the sudden aaron yelled that it was right there ! i looked and saw that the squirrel's hole was up under a piece of bark, the squirrel was to fat and couldnt fit into the hole. it was stuck under the piece of bark :rotf: aaron grapped my flinter and shot it in the back. the squirrel shot out and as it ran up the tree i took a running shot on it and dropped it stone dead with a heart shot with aarons gun. aarons hit was fatal i just wanted to finish it asap. it was a very nice big fox squirrel. we gathered the squirrels and went back to aarons house. we drove up to the corn bins and sat in a horse trailer, hoping some pests would come by. as we sat there i looked up to see 2 crows off in a field. aaron said he wanted to shoot but he didnt know where his gun hit at that range. well i had an idea how much my ball would drop so i decided i would try the shot. the 2 crows started fighting each other. i aimed dead on except 2 inches to the right, the compensate for the high winds. as the crows fought, i took the shot. when the smoke cleared i saw a dead crow laying there ! i couldnt belive i hit the crow at that range.i was so excited that as i tried to reload i broke my ramrod :cursing: so i was done hunting for the day. but it was a great way to end the hunt. as we went to get the crow i stepped of the distance. it was 61 yards exact ! i couldnt belive it. it was my farthest kill with my 32 flinter. i was so proud that i might get the crow mounted. :rotf: we had a great hunt and looking ahead we have 2 weeks of christmas break so aaron and i will definetly be out there wearing out the squirrels and rabbits. cheers SS

:thumbsup: I may just be doing the same thing over Christmas break for the next 2 weeks. Except tomorrow I'm gonna try and get a yote with my high power rifle.
This reminds me of when i was young. We took what ever targets of opportunity showed up and had a blast. I guess you could call it "spontaneous" fun. What a great, low pressure, hunt!!!!
Hey Sniper,
Sounds like you and Aaron are having a fine time. I would like to hunt with you smoke throwers one day.

Chasing Crow
Alright to both of you! That was a good way to take advantage of a "snow day." You have added to your lifelong learning process another element that will never be taught inside the confines of a classroom. Have a blast on your Christmas break!

Nice job! Gotta love snow days! Most kids probably went home and watched tv while you were out taking advantage of the snow day.