Richard Eames said:
I just arrived home from Phoenix.
The problems at Traders Row were unknown to the vendors until they literally arrived on Site, do not blame the NMLRA, put the blame on the folks at Ben Avery for how "they" treated the vendors. The Ben Avery folks cut the road, which cut off access to Traders Row, which re-routed the vendors to an area that was not as nice as in the past.
Road construction has been going on for months at Ben Avery, and it is actually repaving of the road. Also know as NEW BLACK TOP. But the Trader Row with its 20-24 Traders way way down in number of Traders from years past. But was assessable from Carefree Highway. Part of the problem as I was out at Ben Avery the week before the WNS, was RAIN & Left Mud where Trader Row normally is so it got moved to high dry ground to the south on the 1,000 yard range.
A sign was put up at the Main Gate advertising Traders Row & Open to the Public and it stated that it was open to the public. I saw a lot of folks with their children shopping on Friday.
Saturday the sign was on Carefree Highway with an arrow pointing to an entrance to Trader Row, right off Carefree Highway, and it was easy access than driving through the traffic in to the public range at Ben Avery. IMHO.
As I like to walk I parked at the main range walked all over Ben Avery, the ground was dry, and everything was totally accessible by foot, bicycle, motorcycle, and car. So quit crying Richard. :nono:
Some new vendors were there and some old ones were not, I enjoyed visiting with the folks from Log Cabin and will place an order with them this week. Starvin Marvin from Texas was there and I left money with him, without him, Line Shooters would not have the necessary supplies. The powder man was there from Arkansas and without him some people could not shoot since they fly in and cannot bring powder with them. The local Fire Marshall has not made his life easy!!!!
Yes the Fire Marshal, and BATFE are a real pain in the behind, their mission is all about safety, and god forbid should some one be hurt, or worst killed. Those who were hurt or killed would be crying where was the BATFE, and Fire Marshall. Plus I am sure the NMLRA would be named in the LAW suit as it was their shoot where the mishap happened.
You are right to thank the Traders who still show up at the Western Shoot, as many have given up on coming to Phoenix because the number of shooters, spectators, and people spending money has shrunk with no promotion of the NMLRA, and The Western National Shoot in the local area by the people who control the profits from past Western National Shoots. Per the Norm the NMLRA did no PR, Advertising, and had ZERO LOCAL MEDIA Coverage.
Why would a Trader come to Phoenix, spend time, money traveling back and forth, spend money on Traders Row Fee, food, Ice, etc. and after counting out go verses in come, being in the RED. This is a business for these people, and they are not coming for the fun of it, it is to make money.
Heck when the Western National Shoot, Auction, and Raffle made boo koo bucks one year. NMLRA Director Tim & Jerry took the Western Shoot Profits and bought a VERY EXPENSIVE Frozen Yogurt Machine for Friendship.
There was a consolidation of the Pistol Shooters and the Offhand Rifle Shooters onto one range. This worked very well, required less physical effort for the pistol shooters and saved the NMLRA money by joining the two groups.
Pistol shooters, there are near as many pistol shooters in Phoenix as at Friendship. This required moving the pistol shooters to a new range with the Offhand Rifle Shooters.
Speaking of shooters, there are more shooters from Ohio than Arizona from listening to people and checking license plates. There is also a large contingent from California which comes, these people area a fun group to shoot with.
Well let say being diplomatic many "western" NMLRA Members are no longer supporting the Western Shoot, and or Quit being NMLRA Members because the NMLRA (Friendship) is not supporting or promoting the sport of Muzzle Loading in the WEST, or The Western Shoot!
It was a nice shoot, the weather was nice until Friday when a wind gust came through and cost several of us our spotting scopes, which is very costly.
OMG you are complaining about what is called Wind, and Wind is an ACT of God. Nothing the staff of Ben Avery could do about Wind, and had it been hot the Rattle Snakes could have been out, and yes the Staff of Ben Avery has signs up warning you are in the Desert, and BEWARE of Rattlers. :blah:
The shoot is very well run, the operation is efficient and it's a safe shoot. The Staff who come from Friendship due an excellent job and do not receive the recognition they should receive.
Guess the locals who do the set up, tare down, clean up, and have worked their butt off for the last 20 year deserve ZERO THANKS For their efforts.
How did I shoot (?), I had some bad and some good aggs. Several Master Pistol Shooters helped me correct several bad habits I had, which increased my scores by the end of the week. I appreciate all their efforts and there is not way I can re-pay them.
If you have not shot in the Winter Nationals, take the time and do so, its fun and you get to meet some really nice people from around the country. Do not judge a shoot by Traders Row alone.
Until someone else steps up in the West to sponsor M/L Shoots which the NMLRA does, the Winter Nationals are as good as it gets and I will be back.
I honestly do not understand why the NMLRA bothers to have a Western National Shoot, as the way they run the thing is like buying & putting up a McDonalds Franchise, Painting the Building Black with no Signage, and no Golden Arches.
Than asking why they are not selling an Big Mac, French Fries, or Shakes if you get my drift. :bow: