Source for cow horns

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45 Cal.
Dec 13, 2005
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Hey all

I'm wondering if there's anyone out there who knows of a good inexpensive place to get cow horns.....I'm looking to buy a few, and maybe a few more if the price is good and start making horns.
A place near me sells cleaned and polished horns for $15.00 each.....OUCH!!

Any help will be appreciated
Just bought 6 horns from Oct Country at the show in Monroe last weekend, cleaned and polished, med and large horns at $10.00 each, they also have raw horns at 6 bucks each.
It's really hard to find one that is the proper size and has the right curves. To tell the truth I've never seen a raw horn that I would buy. David Wright found 2 for me at Friendship about 20 years ago. There are normally lots of raw bison horn on ebay for cheap.
I went to a butcher shop, asked if they would save me some horns. I got a box full for nothing.

I went to a butcher shop, asked if they would save me some horns. I got a box full for nothing.


Wow...I had thought about that and wish there were some real butcher shops like that around here.

Swampman....I know what you mean about it being difficult finding the right kind of horn. When I was in Brasil and had access to lots and lots of horns I dodn't find too many that looked right.
Swampman said:
It's really hard to find one that is the proper size and has the right curves. To tell the truth I've never seen a raw horn that I would buy. David Wright found 2 for me at Friendship about 20 years ago. There are normally lots of raw bison horn on ebay for cheap.

They had a cleaned cow horn on ebay yesterday that went for a lil over 8 bucks. I just bought an alread made powder flask there for 4.14 + 6.00 shipping. Don't know if it'll be worth it or not or if it's pc for any time period but I figure I can use it and I've always wanted one just never got one.
Here's the link if anybody wants to see if I did ok or not. If I didn't say so. Don't be bashful.[url][/url]
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Hey there Brasilikilt,
I am SW of portland near mcminnville and was doing the same thing. Being as your in town....try some of the mobile butcher guys, in the yellow pages under " mobile slaughtering".
a little talk, maybe a 6 pack of something wet, will get you most of what they come across. of course they will be raw, bloody, stinky ect.
hang em in a tree and let the birds bugs and bees have at them.
Most of what we get around here will be on the smaller side but ultimately, you never know.

Food for thought.

if you like, email me offline and I can point you to a guy that has roping steers and some former roping steer horns and skulls he may part with.

[email protected]