Started a couple new knives

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36 Cal.
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Got the blades cut out, just need to find some sheds to make the handles out of.
I used lawn a mower blade again.Ground them with a hand grinder.Just roughly ground right now.Hopefully I'll get the grinding finished today and find some handles for them pretty soon.
Finished one of them, and Decided to try some scrimshaw.Didn't turn out too bad for a first try and using a needle to do the scratching with.Gave this one to my dad.
Looks pretty good, especially for a first try. Have you seen photos of original items scrimshawed by Joe Average? Not the professional scrimmers, but the guy who had time on his hands and decided to personalize his creation. Some have stick figures for animals and people, others do a fairly good job. You will only improve more as you practice. Emery
Looks good, exactly what a body would expect to see from a soldier. :thumbsup:
You don't have worry about anyone laughing at that. Looks very good. :hatsoff: :thumbsup:
Not bad, at all. I do have a question though, did you harden and temper the knife blades?
Didn't mess hardening them.Not quite ready for that step yet.I had hoped that being blades already they would be alright for what I'd use them for.We'll see I guess.By the way thanks you all.

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