When I heard that Kibler’s was producing a run of .32 SMR’s I ordered a plain maple kit. It showed up at the PO a couple days ago. I have it all together minus 2 ramrod pipes. I’ve gotten to where I can assemble one in about two afternoons, the finish work takes a lot longer of course. This gun looked mostly plain when I received it but as I worked on it with my dirty hands lots of figure started to pop. It looks like there’s enough curl to grade at fancy if I can make it pop. The areas I scraped with my cabinet scrapers exposed quite a bit of curl. I’m going to try to mostly scrape finish this gun, I need to make some more scrapers for detail work like for inside corners where the Comb meets the wrist before I can do it all with scrapers I think. Anyways this is how she lays after a couple days work….

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