State ML/BP associations?????

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Mar 30, 2010
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Greetings all who are reading this,
I have already talked to a couple of people but would like some input from any and everybody. Here is what I am needing or wanting.

Indiana does not have a 'State' blackpowder/muzzleloaders association and I would like to start one. (anyone want to help??? :grin: ) I have been on most of the other state sites and have garnered some very useful information but would like some pointers, places to start, or people to contact or ANY useful information.

My goals are as such:
1. Youth programs
2. State rondy once a year
3. promotion of ML/BP statewide
4. Closer inter-state group ties
5. State shoot-off championsips in BP, Archery, knife/hawk etc.
6. Arts, history etc. (to include those who do not shoot)
7. a state forum?

We have a bunch of groups but not many know each other and this needs to change if ML/BP is to grow.

I will also contact the NMLRA also for info.

Thank you for any and all information.

Cheers, Don
Don...Does your state have a rifle and pistol assn.? The Michigan Rifle and Pistol assn. didn't have a black powder division [they already had had rifle, pistol, service rifle, long range and smallbore divs.]. They were more than happy to start a new division since it meant more potential members and income. The benefit to the new b.p. division was that we were now part of a well established organization which meant we had no start-up problems,etc. We also got seed money to start buying targets and the equipment to put on events. It was easier getting access to ranges for our events because it was a state organization and there is a certain amount of bragging rights having state sanctioned events at a club. The N.R.A. also only recognizes state championships put on by state organizations. You will need a half dozen good people who aren't afraid to work to help you [with little thanks]. Been there. Done it. YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Cheers Paul Behe Director, B.P. Div. Mich. Rifle and Pistol Assn.
Richard...Thanks for the site info :bow:

I will check into that. That is a fantastic idea and could really ease the way to the fruition (oops, big word time, and I spelled it rite this time :rotf: ) of my goal.

Thanks again folks for good ideas.

Cheers, Don
In Pennsylvania, about the closest thing is the Pennsylvania Federation of Black Powder Shooters. It is a loose organization that sponsors a state championship once a year. Member black powder clubs can be listed in their annual booklet of shoot schedules. Many folks pay the $10 or $12 dollar membership to get the shoot schedule book. There are some clubs that aren't members and aren't listed in the book.

As far as I know there isn't a functioning web site for it.

Good Luck with your efforts