storing powder in horn

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45 Cal.
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Santa brought me a powder horn. :confused: Was wondering if when your done shooting should you empty the powder out or is ok to story it in the horn?
Thanks Hacksaw
Santa brought me a powder horn. :confused: Was wondering if when your done shooting should you empty the powder out or is ok to story it in the horn?
Thanks Hacksaw
Always leave mine in the horn.

I have waxed the exterior and plug, and after long storage, I just give it a good shake to loosen everything up.

Our forefathers would have carried it that way untill it ran out.

I don't see a mountain man or longhunter emptying the horn and refilling it every day in the woods.... :youcrazy:

Hacksaw Only time I empty mine is if I wont to change powder size. Horns are good for powder storage, keep out of sun, away from heat source. Only powder I had cake up was Clean Shot, It was a junk powder. Only bought one jar of it. Like Goex. I have a dozen horns or more, one for each Gun. Made most of them. Dilly
My horns are always full.

As long as the horn is airtight it should be fine.
The one I have, has the measure on it. Bet the mountain men would wonder what that is. :grin: Thanks Guys
Where do you intend to store your horn? Think about any spillage, focused sunlight, sparks or fire.

"Think about Storage"
I empty mine because I like to hang my horn and shooting bag on the wall for decoration. I also have kids that have freinds come over, so I don't want to give them a chance to experiment. :nono:
My horns hang over the fireplace with my guns, out of reach of little fingers. They are full, and maybe I'm an adrenaline junkie, but they ain't blowed up yet! Actually I recorded temps on the wall before I hung them up, and got nothing over 90 degrees, much less the 450 it takes to ignite BP.
It was due to the fact I gave away my only blackpowder pistol at the time.
I gave it to a good friend who out of the blue one day did me a favor for no reason so I repaid him.
Cherokee said:
I have some powder that has been in my horn for 15 years. Still goes boom

:grin: I've been recently using powder I had stored in my powder horn for 14 years. Still works great! :thumbsup:

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