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Last year , first day of Pa. buck season , I allowed a mega buck to sneak up on me .  I walked right past him laying down at an old gas well site.  I went down wind  of him and sat down on my old seat w/my back against a  tree.  Had a 15 + mph steady  cold wind blowing from my left  rear side and did the natural  thing , pulled my hood over my face to keep what little heat there  contained. Kept watch every where around me , but only occasionally in the direction of the wind.  I finally looked into the wind and mister buck and I made eye contact at about 10 yds. distance. He gave me no time to  even cock the hammer , and trotted off.   I can't say I've ever seen a freak set of antlers like his.  Each end of his rack had a vertical tine , with so many vertical tines straight up from his left and right beams they couldn't be counted  , as he went from sight.   Back tracking him , found out I had passed him by 15 yds. , bedded behind  the lee side of the gas well brine tank on the my way in in the morning.  He was hidden in a 15  ft. circle of laurel.  The hiding place showed he was living there , due to the large amount of deer poop .   I want a rematch with him to cap off a 70 yr. long hunting experience. ........oldwoodchas
