Well boys, I finally did it. While shooting my good old Potsdam (bare ball, no patch)and brushing out the fouling I broke off the bore brush all the way down the barrel. After saying a few words that I don't allow in my classroom, I started thinking/worrying about the prospect of removing the breach plug and such. Since it was Sunday and I wanted to shoot somemore I came up with a trick to get the brush out. I had some hard, stainless wire about 1/8 in. dia and bent a kind of backwards jag with a single prong. I pushed it down and tried to get it beside the brush. Then I started turning and pulled it out on the second try. Well I was as happy as a pig in ...... so I thought I would take some pictures and see if it may help someone else out there. I shoot on line with the N-SSA and you should hear some of the interesting verbage that gets used when this happens. I would like to post some pictures but right now I can't figure it out. Any ideas?