Has anyone had a problem having their ramrod getting stuck while in storage in the thimbles under the barrel?I have a fibreglass ramrod on a blueridge flinter,and after firing 10 shots while it was sitting under the barrel,(I used a range rod),I had a awful time trying to pull it out,like it swelled up while in there.I managed to remove it,but I couldn't get it all the way in again,about 5" stuck out.The next day it was fine and went all the way like normal.It wasn't all that humid out,and I don't think I got it wet,but my buddies think that since the ramrod is fiberglass,the wood in the channel must have got damp somehow and swelled,and when it dried out it was alright again.Is there anything else that would cause that to happen?I hope I have this in right catagory,if not,sorry.