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40 Cal.
Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
Whenever possible I try to use the "search" feature on this board since most every question imaginable has been asked and answered at one point or another. However, I have very slow internet service here (how's 24Kbps grab you?) due to QWest having substandard phone lines out here where I live. (A whopping 2 miles out from the college, which has DSL. :rolleyes:)

OK, enough grousing. My question is this: what diameter patches am I going to need for my 54? I'm going to be cutting my own and I plan on trying both round and square, so dimensions for both would be appreciated. I expect to have to play around with thickness to find the most accurate, so I don't need any info there...just the diameter of the patch. I tried to find this info on old posts, but everything I found related to either thickness or square vs. round vs. multiangular. I'm sure the info I'm looking for is there, but I'd sure appreciate if some kind soul could re-post it for me and save me potentially hours of looking. :master:
Whenever possible I try to use the "search" feature on this board since most every question imaginable has been asked and answered at one point or another. However, I have very slow internet service here (how's 24Kbps grab you?) due to QWest having substandard phone lines out here where I live. (A whopping 2 miles out from the college, which has DSL. :rolleyes:)

OK, enough grousing. My question is this: what diameter patches am I going to need for my 54? I'm going to be cutting my own and I plan on trying both round and square, so dimensions for both would be appreciated. I expect to have to play around with thickness to find the most accurate, so I don't need any info there...just the diameter of the patch. I tried to find this info on old posts, but everything I found related to either thickness or square vs. round vs. multiangular. I'm sure the info I'm looking for is there, but I'd sure appreciate if some kind soul could re-post it for me and save me potentially hours of looking. :master:

As a reference, I use TC's .018" precut / prelubed pillow ticking for my .54 & .58...they are 1+3/8" round (I use their 1+1/8" for .45 & .50)...simple, fast, perfect.
My question is this: what diameter patches am I going to need for my 54?

The best way I found to measure the patching material is to actually load a patched ball flush with the barrel using a large sheet of patching material, mark the material with a pen or marker...

Then, using the material hanging out of the bore, pull the patched ball out and unfold the material...

Measure the mark on the material and you'll have the correct size for your gun...

The cutting of patches is not a real precise art. Most people just cut strips of the cloth wide enough and use their favorite lube on them. They put an end of the strip over the muzzle and then press the ball through it and into the bore. They then use a sharp knife to cut the patch from the strip. This works very well as it is just about foolproof. An important consideration here. <G> I have not used a cut patch in many years -- too much trouble digging about for the little container and getting them set just so on the muzzle.

You could also just wrap a ball in cloth and cut it off at the top to get an idea of the size that you need for precut patches. Make your precut patches big enough to not risk leaving a gap on either side. Bigger is better as long as it does not leave a huge flap over the top. You might also examine some commercially cut patches in your chosen caliber.

This may not be the precise measurement that you requested, but it is a repeatable process for solving the problem with any caliber. I would regard this as more valuable anyway.

Thanks fer the prompt replies, boys! :thumbsup: As always, I'm much obliged by the friendly advice I get here. Now I've got to go sand on my stock some so I can get my GPR together. The weather here has been so nice lately, I'm really itching to get out and make smoke. :p
Me, I like to cut mine at the muzzle when loading. So what I do before hand is:

1.] wash my patch material, I use pillow ticking.

2.] After it has been dried, I cut it into 3' strips, 1 1/2" wide.

3.] Lube the strips, squeezing out the excess between two popsicle sticks.

4.] Once this is cool, I roll it up and put it in a 35mm film canister. (Yeah, I know its not period, that's why I have an altoid can that has had the paint fried off it.)

Now, when I want to patch a ball, I run the edge of the material a little past the barrel flat at the muzzle, start the ball flush with the muzzle, then with my handy dandy patch or pocket knife cut off the excess. Done it that way for some 35 years, as that was how I was shown to do it when I was a kid.

Just :m2c: