TC Maxi Hunters

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40 Cal.
Jul 4, 2005
Reaction score
Been using a TC 50 White Mt Carbine with 80 grs of fff and 295 gr powerbelts. They load easy and are accurate on paper. I shot a doe last year and dropped her, but have been reading some negative things about using Powerbelts for hunting. Has anyone used TC maxi hunters? If so any info on loads and results are appreciated.
I shoot 275 maxi hunter in my .50 WMC with 80 grs 2f. Use mink oil for lube (it's cold) and it is really accurate at 50 yds. Getting better at 100 yds holding 9 inches high with that load and sighted in for 50. I still have some tinkering but I am happy right now. One thing at a time. I have a tang sight that is great.
Wink said:
Been using a TC 50 White Mt Carbine with 80 grs of fff and 295 gr powerbelts. They load easy and are accurate on paper. I shot a doe last year and dropped her, but have been reading some negative things about using Powerbelts for hunting. Has anyone used TC maxi hunters? If so any info on loads and results are appreciated.
Can't speak about the .50's, but as a testimony to the Maxi-Hunter design, I've shot a lot of TC .45cal/255grn Maxi-Hunters in TC .45cal 1:48" barrels...100grns Goex 2F with an Oxyoke wonderwad over the powder...absolute tack drivers
I never did get maxi hunters to shoot right from my .50 cal WMC with 1-20 twist. It was however accurate with the original 370 gr maxi ball.
I've used .50 Maxi-Hunters (90 gr 2Fg) in a 1:48" T/C and they are very good on whitetail. That's pretty much equivalent to a hefty cartridge buffalo rifle. I lubed those with T/C's Natural Lube/Bore Butter. The same rifle wouldn't throw a R.E.A.L. for spit. It may take you a while to find what your rifle likes.
Years ago I tried the 350 gr maxi hunter in my WMC. I was not 100% convinced that the bullet had a good gas seal or engaged the rifling well from a clean bore. Would a wad over the powder remedie this? I never used wads before.If so, What kind should I get?

I did a little experimenting with 370 gr maxi-balls in my TC Hawken. Using Remington Wonder- Wads(wool)between the powder and boolet definately made a difference in accuracy. These are the only ones I've tried but I'll bet others will do the same. GW
I forgot. I use felt wads too. I have used the Remington lubed and the ox-yoke non-lubed.
Two Questions:Should I use lubed or non-lubed wads and is there any particular method of loading the wad to ensure it is seated properly over the powder?
Wink said:
Two Questions:Should I use lubed or non-lubed wads and is there any particular method of loading the wad to ensure it is seated properly over the powder?
I always use lubed wads for the benefit that the extra lube provides...and using caliber bore size wads you basically just place them in the muzzle flat, they touch the walls enough to hold still, and just seat them down.

Not too much difference in the T/C Maxi-Hunters or the T/C Maxi-Balls. The hollow cavity on the front of the Hunters just encourages expansion upon impact. The most accurate Maxi-Balls from T/C thus far is the 370 grain specimens in front of about 70 grains of 3Fg Goex and a lubed wad under the Maxi, with an additional Circle-Fly over-powder card under the wad and on top of the powder! This is with my Lyman trade rifle, with a 1 in 48" twist.

This load won the top three spots in a recent BP League Match that I participated in. All three shooters used the same 370 grain Maxi-Ball load in the same style rifle with the same twist with the same amount/type of powder. There has to be something to it!

I shot some through my 1-28 twist Renegade. To be honest I didn't like them Maxi ball or Maxi hunter. I got a poor batch of bullets and I also never tried a OPW. My green mountain barrle likes bullets that are on the large side. It loves Hornady Great plains bullets. Ron
I have a little traditions carbine 50cal. 1-20 twist rifling ,tried everthing I could think of until some one here said to try T/C maxi ball with prelubed felt wad under bullet, now with 70grns. ffg, felt wad ,T/C maxi ball it shoots acceptable about 1" at 50yds. Very handy little gun. But my GPH shoots best with Great Plains Bullets 385grn.
My TC Hawkens 50 & 54 cal both like the Hornady great plains bullets best. Shoot ok with REAL or TC maxi bullets but much better with the Hornady bullets. Always use the felt wads.

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