TC New englander 54 cal

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36 Cal.
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Found a tc New Englander today at the gun shop. It's been there for years. Was 225 now its 100 bucks. The gun is used, has some good scratches here and there. The lock sounds kinda funny, but might be normal for this gun. Blueing looks good on the outside, can't tell much about the inside on the barrel. Thinking about pickin it up and redoing it. Are parts still available. I would think an TC for 100 bucks is steal as long as I can fix it. Any advise or other things to check.
If the barrel is good the NE TC barrel in 54 caliber sells for around 150 on ebay alone.
Ill have to look at it more. The gun appears very used, but easily cleaned up. I pulled the ram rod and it was missing any jag, like it might have pulled off. Really hoping it isn't stuck down the bore or something stupid. I don't have a bore light, any suggestions on how to check the whole bore other than a flashlight through the nipple and down the barrel.
Fer a hundred bucks just buy it!!
You can't go wrong.
For a few bucks you can get the lighted section for a lighted fishing bobber, and drop that down the bore.
The factory rods did not come with a jag installed.
Run the rod down the bore till it bottoms out, hold your thumbnail against the rod to mark depth, then hold the rod to the outside of the barrel to the same mark, you'll know if something is in there.

Just buy it, bring it home and tear into it, chances are everything just needs the dried up oil and gunk clean off and re-lubed.
We'll help ya work through any troubles you might have with it
The ram rod is tapered like something was attached to that end. I'd end up getting a new rod for it. I'll have to find a little light to drop in there. Hundred bucks is a hundred bucks esp when my dads got a hawken that hasn't left the case in 18 years. All else fails I could probably pawn it for 100 bucks but I hate to think of ever selling a gun. Ill have to take my time and check it over. Might try to get it cheaper lol. I'll let ya know and thanks for the help.
any suggestions on how to check the whole bore other than a flashlight through the nipple and down the barrel.

Yeah, easy. First find a 9mm or .38 special cartridge case. Take some tin foil, shiny side up, and wrap the case tight with the foil, and don't leave any extra foil hanging off. Then use the ramrod to ensure there is nothing in the barrel, and it's pretty clean. You may want to run some patches down the bore with WD-40 to get out any surface rust. Next.... Drop the foil covered cartridge case down the barrel with the primer side up facing back toward the muzzle. (The foil acts as a light reflector.) NOW shine a flashlight down the bore and you will get enough light to see. Then invert the barrel and allow the foil covered case to drop out. Easy peasy. :grin:

And I agree..., get it fix it, be happy. In fact both my Native American friend, and my friends from India would probably say..., you were meant to have that rifle. I bet the bore checks out well.

You can just hold the rifle vertical and drop the ramrod in. If you hear a metallic clunk when it bottoms out, you will know it is clear. A lead ball or bullet will have more of a dull thud. As described above, mark the distance and compare to barrel length.
There are several suggestions to check if the barrel is clear.....another easy one, put the hammer at half cock, wrap your lips tight around the barrel, then blow hard.
If air passes through the're good to go.
As long as there no serious cracks in the stock, you got a bargain.
Even if the barrel is pitted beyond salvage, you can get Bobbie Hoyt to make the barrel a smooth bore ( about $100) and then you can easily find a rifled barrel in .50 or .54 for another $100.
Just think about it for a moment.
One gun, but a smooth bore, and a rifle all for $300
Push a snug fitting jag/patch down length of barrel. If it consistant and smooth you have a great find. If there is a bulge it is still worth that price IMHO.
Just thought more about it, I could probably get a shotgun barrel for it if I can find one. I believe they made a 12ga barrel. I'm not educated as to what a smoothbore is good for. Not sure if I can just shoot shot and roundballs. Would be a squirrel shotgun when leaves are really thick on the trees, so I'm thinking a smoothbore wouldn't have tight enough pattern to get the job done. There're probably hard to find. If the .54 barrel is bad can I have a gunsmith make it a shotgun barrel, rough guess how much? I could find a use for a black powder shotgun.
Yes. $75 shipping included.
There are issues about the depth of the holes drilled for the sights.
But again, after you get this rifle for $100 we can help you with issues.
at this point speculation is just that,, your just guessing.
For $100 you could part the thing out, having the others pay you for shipping and make money.

Awh the heck with it, where is this place?
I'll give them 100 plus the cost of shipping and buy it myself.
Check wal-mart fishing dept. small lighted bobbers around 1/8th" diam. the light is colored but you will be able to see the rifleing and decide if steel wool on a jag will clean it up.
Nit Wit
I'll have to think alittle more on it, probably will end up picking it up. If I don't i'll let ya know where it's at.
shotgun barrels for the New Englander occasionally show up on the auction sites but they've been goin' anywhere from 3 to 5 hundred bucks. the advice you've already been given to have the existin' barrel bored out is yer best bet, if it even needs it. luck & have a good'en friend, bubba.
A month ago I was high bidder for TC New englander in 54 cal at $100, from a local auction site I visit alot.
Turns out to be a good shooter, and this was the first BP I bought. Now I have 3. I guess it is addictive.
The bobber light is what a friend you convinced to get into BP.
Looked at the gun alittle more today. It does have something stuck in the bore. Whatever is in there has been there a long time. Hope the barrel is ok. Thinking its a cleaning jag with a patch. I;m going to use that to maybe get a real deal on it.
djr315 said:
The bobber light is what a friend you convinced to get into BP.

This should have said the bobber light is what a friend uses that convinced me to get into BP, I had some still in the fishing drawer that now have made into my shooting boxes.

Now if I can figure out how edit a post.
Over the years I have bought T/C is the pawn shops for very reasonable prices. In this area second hand ML rifle do not go for much. In fiddling with these guns, I have found that even with frosted bores the guns will shoot well. I have won a bunch of local matches with a .54 caliber New Englander that came cheap in a pawn shop. This rifle has less than perfect bore but works very well. T/C's in .54 cal. in my experience give excellent performance with patched round balls and holy black.

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