Hey all I'm stumped, I mean really stumped......., I've been building rifles yes from scratch for 10 yrs sold most on TOW, now here is my problem it's my dads rifle he had built 35 yrs ago, got a douglas3x barrel, l&r doulbe set triggers( something ain't rightwith them) a small siler lock, here's the problem, I have to set rear trigger , pull front trigger , you'll here the sear engage , but won't fire untill I reset rear one more time, the touch main again then boomy, now this rifle hasn't been shot for awile untill last yr, and I cannot figuar it out nothingis binding any were. Just looking for some other ideas I haven't thought of, now it could be trigger set spring is worn, been thinking replceing the whole trigger assembly completely just wanted a few more ideas or possible solutions.