Hola Amigo, just a thought, yall should have been with us at the motel parking lot in Black Canyon at the Mountain Breeze Hotel or whatever it was called. We had a blast for sure and I think we drove the owner mad! LOLOLOL :blah:
Anyway before it was all over the owner ( from Bosnia) or some where knew that the Texans had been there. We all ended up drinking wine and had a grand time. If you end up going next year make sure to get in touch cause I think we will be at the same motel. We had a hoot!
And oh yeah, there was plenty of hot air there too as you might imagine!
ps the owner came out with a bottle on conyac for us. Guess he thought he would help us celebrate. Well we finally dug the petrified cork out of the bottle and sipped a bit and found it to be worse than vinegar! He was saving it from then he and his wife had gotten married and it had already turned. Well we didn't have the heart to tell him that what he had shared with us had turned bad, so we dumped it out and filled it with our own red wine and drank from that bottle anyway and he was never the wiser for it. But it was the thought that had counted after all but we didn't have the heart to tell him what he had given us was bad, especially after they had been so kind to us during our stay there.
rabbit03 :thumbsup: