the first parts have arrived..............

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62 Cal.
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
just got my large deluxe siler lock in the mail and o'boy and it looks nice....



just a few more parts now and i'm set....does anyone have any diagrams on where to drill for the lock screws or do i go by eye as to where it should line up........bob
Hey Bob you do have a book to go by dont you ,like Chuck Dixons ? I followed his instuctions and mine went ok just take the time to plan out your mission and dbl check it .
"does anyone have any diagrams on where to drill for the lock screws or do i go by eye as to where it should line up"

Bob: Until you get your stock, and get your lock installed, you won't know where the ramrod hole is, so you can't drill the forward hole.
As for the rear hole, you could drill it now but if you do, drill it at the TAP diameter.
I'm sure you knew that, but there have been more than one person who got so excited they forgot little things like that.

Also if you do drill the rear hole, Don't tap it now. It must serve as a drill guide to pilot the hole thru the wood later on. :: ::

Glad to have you building!! It's an experiance you will never forget. :)
i'm not going to drill it now silly :shake:....i'll wait to get the stock for alignment lines and such the same way i did on my T/C stock....i'll be picking up a small drill press also to aid in my addiction of this disease to help out the healing process :peace:..................bob
Bob: Forgive me.
I've just seen kids (aren't we all?) with new toys before.
I forgot that your an old far* like me :crackup: :: :crackup:
just got my large deluxe siler lock in the mail and o'boy and it looks nice

The insides look just like my DP lock :crackup:.


PS Can you give the lock to me?
Cool my parts on in the brown truck. I should have me a purdy Siler lock by the end of the week hopefully :thumbsup:
no you can't have the lock.... cost more then the lock.... :crackup:...................bob
Good Lord, I can imagine the excitement you have waiting to get started on this thing... what style did you end up deciding on?

I really need to start putting some moolah aside so I can order one now. :cry:

I'm green with envy. ::
Good Lord, I can imagine the excitement you have waiting to get started on this thing... what style did you end up deciding on?

1770 lancaster with a rice 42" D profile swamped barrel in .54....with a chambers large delux siler flintlock....and a grade 4 maple stock from pecatonica river like my T/C that is generaly shaped and inletted fer the barrel and ram rod's the plans i'm going with....

lancaster plan....

but instead of a patch box i'm thinking of doing a carving of a whitetail buck there
no you can't have the lock....

I won't play anymore AND I won't like your gun when you finish it & post pics, and I didn't like your last gun! :crackup: :blah:
It would go between that ground down screw, amd the bridal screw, just about where the cock is at half cock. It's a littl bit eyball depending on your guns geometry. You will also probably be drilling thru the back of the breech tang also, again because of geometry. Sure is a pretty lock. Bill
rootnuke has some really good diagrams etc. for drilling into the bolster and the front of the lockplate.

I just posted 35 photo's of my sideplate bolt installation. It starts with basic photo's of all the parts, notations on where I think everything is going to fit, then the process of measuring, drilling, tapping etc.

The rear bolt shows it only going through the bolster. I later drilled and tapped the lock side plate also. Other than that it was the same.

Side Plate Bolt Placement

sould have my stock any day now as the charge just hit my bank on friday....o boy....will have some pictures of everything before i start to butcher it all up fer ya all..........bob
I just drilled a small Siler flintlock for a Muzzleloader Builders' Supply small "Beck" rifle. The parts included a sideplate with holes already drilled. That has to match the lock exactly. I drilled the lock hole to clear the bridle by about 1/64 inch, and at the lower corner, but this put the front bolt hole a little in front of the lock nose, and the tail of the sideplate lower than I want. I should have drilled the hole to cut into the bridle. Drill fron the inside of the plate with the bridle off, then file a round notch into the end of the bridle. As it is, I may plug both holes by riveting a filed piece of brass, or a plug soldered in, and then redrill the holes. The front one will have to come about 1/3 hole to the rear and the main lock hole should be about one bolt hole lower to raise the tail for a better look. So lay your sideplate against your lock and work this out in advance.
Bob, Yer face is gonna freeze with that giddy grin on it, and you'll be walkin around lookin like a happy face all the time :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :crackup:. Not that it's a bad thing, just part of the affliction.
Bob, Yer face is gonna freeze with that giddy grin on it, and you'll be walkin around lookin like a happy face all the time :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :crackup:. Not that it's a bad thing, just part of the affliction.

affliction?....don't ya mean infection cause it feels that way :crackup:...................bob
well i got my stock today :: :: ::....they even gave me the cutoffs from making my stock :thumbsup:....i have one long piece bout 2"+ wide and 24"+ long and 1/2" thick....the two pieces from the top and bottom of the butt end fer stain samples and a loading block and some other things i can think of :hmm:....real nice piece of wood they gave me :master:....will have some pictures when i have the barrel with all my tools i bought fer this i have to wait bout 4 more weeks fer the barrel :cry:..............bob