The ideal minie barrel

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Aug 4, 2004
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The Land of Enchantment
If you were to build a percussion hunting rifle to handle .577 minie balls from 500-650 grains with moderate to heavy charges, what barrel twist and groove specs would you specify for top performance and accuracy?
I know the .58 target shooters have very good luck with the old Parker-Hale Enfield barrels featuring 1:48 five-groove barrels with progressive depth rifling, but there may be other twists and specs that are even better.
Got to thinking about this after re-reading "One Man's Quest for an Accurate Rifled Musket" in the Lyman "Muzzleloaders Handbook," first edition.
One final question: Who makes the barrel you have in mind?
I wish Green Mountain made a minie-twist .58 barrel, but they don't and do not plan to according to an e-mail I got from them.
I don't really know about that mini-barrel, what twist are you thinkin it should be if not 1-48? my 1863 Remington is what I concider farely accurate pretty consistant within a 10" kill zone at a steel gong 200 yds. Now my .58 is 33" bbl. with a 1-66 twist. Most Rifled Muskets are 1-72. Now the Smith Carbine although was .50 cal. had a 21 1/2" bbl. and a 1-28 twist firing a .515" Conical. I think that a fast twist shorter bbl. or not would tear the skirt off the heavy large .58 Minni-Ball. But thats jus my thoughts.
Well my FAyetteville rifle have a whitacher barrel on it the bore diam. is .577 and has a 1:72 twist barrel, this thing is so accurate that if you miss it is your fault, evry person who has fired it don't miss, I took it to a local match and one first plase with it at 50 and 100 yards, then loaned it to a couple of others and they one with it if you go to the N-SSA web site click on to sutlers and scroll down till you find whitacer machine shop?? his barrels are pricey but worth thier weight in gold he also makes barrels in any outside dimetions you desire, and barrel twists and gun types and good man to talk barrels with. bb75
If you want something like that the guy I would call is Ed Rayl. Ed will make ya any barrel ya want and he'll advise ya as to what sorta twist will give ya the best performance, in regards to minne balls.

Ed will make any barrel with regards to caliber, twist, leangth and thickness.
well t/c sells mini balls and maxi balls as well as moulds for both, if you go to e-bay you can find hollow based mini ball moulds and sometimes real cheap to, some enfields have a 1-48 twist so try it i've gotten some good results out of my southern mountain rifle with a ideal mini ball mould, its the only thing that rifle wants to shoot and I cannot explin that and that rifle is a douglas 3x barrel. bb75

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