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The Smithsonian adventure.......

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50 Cal.
Nov 9, 2004
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I just got back from the nation's capitol...Washington D.C. Took the whole family to see the Smithsonian. There is a new museum: The Native American Museum, very interesting, interesting indeed.

The displays were great, informative, educational and the building, all I can say is WOW! The architecture is awesome. It is a very beautiful building and is pleasent just to sit in it.

There was a display of firearms that were used by Indians (I apologize if I offended anyone's ancestry, do I refer to Indians as Native Americans?)

Anyway, on the subject of the display of firearms...it was neat, very interesting, especially due to the fact that indigineous peoples had very little training in gun repair, yet they utilized their skills with bow and other tool making to fix broken guns. That, to me, was fascinating!

While I was standing there viewing these guns, I overheard a women who's young son (probably eight or so) exclaim "Oh boy! Look at those neat guns!" The women, obviously, wasn't so keen on the idea and lamented that there was a display of them there. Her words were "Guns! they ruined the whole thing by having guns here! What do those things have to do with Indians?"

Ahhhhh, the land of milk and honey, flowing with liberals! Do we have any members who reside in Washington D.C.?
I live about 30 miles away. I enjoy going to DC except for the traffic, panhandlers, protesters, and etc. The last time I went was to view president Reagan. I really need to go again, get some pictures, and post them.

I live 7 miles as the crow flies from that museum. Drive past it every day but havn't had a chance to see it. There is some criticism of the museum but overall it gets good reviews from those who have seen it. Life near the "big city" has it's advantages chief of which is a good job. There are panhanlders in some spots but I keep tubes of sampler toothpaste handy to give to them. They certainly can use it and I know they won't be trading it in for drugs. Virgina has some great deer hunting. I passed on shots at 3 8 pointers this year as I didn't have a clear lane to shoot thru. Took one doe that hesitated just a little too long. GC
I believe Russell Means prefers to be called "indian" or "American", although he is (as am I and very likely, yourself as well), also a "native" American!

And... as far as your experience with the response toward weaponry in the Smithsonian (a very liberal donation by Mr. Smithson, don't you agree?) the only label (if necessary at all) to apply to that person is: "Idiot".

Jim aka kiltiemon ("weapons" change form from time to time, still having the potential for considerable damage... "some rob you with a six-gun... some with a fountain pen"... Woodrow Wilson Guthrie) The person you encountered doesn't seem to understand that weapons can be of many different natures.
Blahman: You were just hearing the results of a modern education.
Very little history is given in schools, and that which is taught, is carefully presented to ignore the positive contributions of guns in our history.

The only educational references to guns are about the pain and misery they have caused by their use in war and crime.
Even in war, the guns negative use caused by our enemies is emphasized while their positive use (such as beating the enemy) is ignored.

Add in the use of guns as portrayed in most of the TV shows and the movies. Firearms are always the tool of the bad guy. They never have a legitimate or benificial use until the good guy gets one. The only good his gun does is to eliminate the bad guy.

She is a pawn in the struggle to eliminate firearms.

Speaking of Education, here in Arizonie, they just passed a law which permits High Schools to teach safe firearm use and target practice. It is a elective class.
All of the States school Administrators say they won't offer the course in their schools because there are not enough qualified instructors.
I heard the NRA told them they would be happy to educate some instructors and qualify them. In response, the Administrators said there isn't enough money.

Strange that enough money to teach Sex Ed is never a problem but teaching gun responsibility can't be done, even when the State Government opens the door of opportunity. ::

Seems to me, no matter what state...school admins are untouchable. Ever notice that when there is some discrepancy they just shut down? Now, I have no idea as to how it came about that they are God, Lord, and Master as far as parents, and others that pay thier salary via taxes but one thing sure is certain...they do not have your's, my,or anyone interest at heart if it does not suit thier agenda. Seems to me America at large should take a stance to change that. If not...well...no longer will this be the country it once was.
Ya know, Zonie, what is very interesting is that Olie and I (several others as well) demonstrate rifle making at a couple of events in Ohio. We've got a rifling machine set up, guns on the wall, a couple of guys working on a gun here or there...it's a pretty nifty set up.

We get a lot of women asking very good questions, really showing an interest, in fact. Occasionally, we get MS. Liberal and her blather.

I've come to the conclusion that the liberal groups really don't want a confiscation of our weapons for a couple of reasons. The first would be because then a big, big, big national arguement would disapear and secondly, they would be terrified of the black market firearms smuggling that would occurr. The liberal groups pretty much enjoy stirring up the pot, then admire all they've done from a distance. Have you ever known a liberal do actually solve a problem? Besides, there is no gun control problem as far as I'm concerned. I've got control of all my guns...they haven't snuck outa the house to cause misery on the neighborhood.

I know, I know, you guys probably think too little oxygen going to the 'ole brain-pan....but really, can you imagine the damage control the lefties would have to do when the 'you-know-what' hit the fan? The underground, the smuggling, the extra chaos, it would be just like the days of Al Capone.

Just my opinion.....Ok, go ahead...give me that cyber-lashing....just don't make it hurt too bad!
Ya know, Zonie, what is very interesting is that Olie and I (several others as well) demonstrate rifle making at a couple of events in Ohio. We've got a rifling machine set up, guns on the wall, a couple of guys working on a gun here or there...it's a pretty nifty set up.

We get a lot of women asking very good questions, really showing an interest, in fact. Occasionally, we get MS. Liberal and her blather.

I've come to the conclusion that the liberal groups really don't want a confiscation of our weapons for a couple of reasons. The first would be because then a big, big, big national arguement would disapear and secondly, they would be terrified of the black market firearms smuggling that would occurr. The liberal groups pretty much enjoy stirring up the pot, then admire all they've done from a distance. Have you ever known a liberal do actually solve a problem? Besides, there is no gun control problem as far as I'm concerned. I've got control of all my guns...they haven't snuck outa the house to cause misery on the neighborhood.

I know, I know, you guys probably think too little oxygen going to the 'ole brain-pan....but really, can you imagine the damage control the lefties would have to do when the 'you-know-what' hit the fan? The underground, the smuggling, the extra chaos, it would be just like the days of Al Capone.

Just my opinion.....Ok, go ahead...give me that cyber-lashing....just don't make it hurt too bad!

It would be like prohibition all over again...except the only people with guns would be the bad guys and like you said, they'd have a feeding frenzy on society.

Just like we have today with drugs...they're outlawed (prohibited) but anybody who want drugs can get them, just have to pay the price...as a result of the 'drug prohibition', everything is illegal, smuggled, black market, some bad quality, beatings, stabbings, killings, drive-by shootings, etc...

Wonder what will happen if the rising price of cigarettes and gasoline continue to climb higher and higher
Wonder what will happen if the rising price of cigarettes and gasoline continue to climb higher and higher

People are like sheep, one follows the other, and the "sheeple" won't do a damn thing. IMHO Sad to say: :eek:ff:

First off, I agree with Blahman. Second, the bad guys won't be the only ones with guns. Maybe I'll be an
outlaw, but hopefully not a bad guy. :m2c:
but really, can you imagine the damage control the lefties would have to do when the 'you-know-what' hit the fan?
Actually, they don't want to do damage control. They want CONTROL, preferrably total control, and NEED DAMAGE to gain that control. Worked for Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. etc. etc...

After all guns are confiscated (surely not those in criminal hands) there are a lot of other tasks waiting for the busybodies: Tobacco, Alcohol, SUV's, protecting the white dotted red forest ant, Verbieten the access to nature for "regular citizens" (but keep it open for themselves), eliminating ANY sign that there is something like Christianity in this country... I could write page after page with topics that still awaits the caring treatment of liberal activist busybodies.
Wonder what will happen if the rising price of cigarettes and gasoline continue to climb higher and higher

People are like sheep, one follows the other, and the "sheeple" won't do a damn thing. IMHO Sad to say: :eek:ff:


Ok! Ok! Back to the subject at hand: I had a great time in Washington, seeing the Smithonian, some monuments, the WW II memorial......anybody want to see my pics about my 'vacation'?

(I can just hear it now...."What did you do on your summer vacation Blahman?") :haha:
Yes! I would LOVE to see pics! I've been wanting to hit the Smithsonian, and just haven't done it yet.

BRING ON DA PICS! :redthumb:
...."What did you do on your summer vacation Blahman?") :crackup: :crackup: Ok lets see um!
I think it's great that for years the "educated liberal idiots" tried to force everyone to use the name "Native American" , yet when polls were taken in the "Native American" community they overwhelmingly wanted to be called "Indians". I guess the politically correct eggheads probably think that the poor "Native Americans" have been downtrodden so long that they also need educated about their own situation. Surely they would'nt want to be "Indians" after we teach them some sensitivity. :bull:
Were the lines to get in long? I was in Washington for about a week last month but had heard about the lines and that kept me away. It's been open for over half a year now so I'm wondering if you can just walk in (or do you stand there and git old?).
Ok, I'll dish up some pics. Lines, gosh no, the lines weren't long at all...just walk into a museum, that's all. We were there on Monday and Tuesday, the crowds weren't heavy.

I was very impressed with the granduer of the WW II memorial, some people were leaving pictures of lost loved ones, wreathes, thank you notes......it put a lump in my throat.

I did not serve my country in any service branch, I've had only the rewards of our country to enjoy......my son will be going to AIT in July of this year. Seeing the monuments dedicated to all that served makes me wonder what lays ahead for him, what will happen to him, what hardships will he endure, will he be frightened, lonely, proud? These questions pound on me daily, sometimes I allow them to knaw at me, sometimes I don't.

Just want to say thanks for all the vets, thanks for all you've done. You may not think it's much, but it is. Thanks to all the men and women who are brave enough to step up and represent us, our country.

How curious that a forum of history enthusiasts seems to forget that it was a hodge-podge of radical liberals, law-making judges, and trial lawyers who founded this country and gave us all the right (hopefully maintained, though my brown bess is no match for an apache helicopter)to maintain our "arms"!!! ::

Anyhow... Blahman... Stop being a tease and show us some pictures. I haven't been to the Smithsonian since I was about 9 years old (checking my watch, that's about 47 years ago).

Jim (right wing, conservative/liberal, multi-gun owning, 4 year Vietnam era Vet., and equal opportunity
Curmudgeon ::)
here are some pics....

Here are my two youngest kids...they are tired, but they are in the American history museum...they did find it enjoyable.


This is from the newest museum about the Native Americans.


This is from the same museum, but taken from the upper floor.


The WW II memorial.

There were some other pics I had, but my darling daughter decided to delete them, as to her, they were boring.