This afternoon with a buddy and his new fowler

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69 Cal.
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
The hills of Southern Indiana
A friend of mine was chomping at the bit to test fire a fowler he recently finished building. It took no coaxing to invite him over for a shoot fest. :thumbsup:

I'm happy to report that all went well with little room for improvement. The guns prime went off with each of about 40-50 shots, though the gun failed to fire 10-12 times.

He believes the vent would benefit from a little drilling out. I don't disagree.

The gun handled birdshot real well (look out turkeys, rabbits, and squirrels)!!!

We tried a few roundball combinations and it greatly preferred a .600 ball on top of a cushion wad and a card on top of the whole shebang. This, with 90 grains of 3f Goex seemed ticket.

To my surprise, his gun hit to point of aim at the top of his blade sight, with no barrel showing. This, with just the top of the blade peeking above the breech. As we know, lots of these guns seem to shoot low with such a sight picture.

An inch high at 25 yards, the balls struck right on the money at 60 yards.:thumbsup:

With one ball left for the afternoon, I urged him to shoot at a leaf on the frozen pond we were shooting next to. It looked to be about 75 yards out compared to the known 60 yards of the gong on the pond's dam. I told him to be very deliberate as though it we're a deer's heart. As you might guess, he drilled it into oblivion. His smile said it all.

I suggested he leave at that time as I was tempted to mug him for his fine gun! :haha:

He's a hunter at heart like yours truly. As we were putting things away, he let me know his intent of hunting with it, and, it alone from here on. Excepting modern stuff where coyotes are concerned.

I believe him too.

I directed him to visit Bob's Blackpowder Notebook to really whet his appetite where smoothbore flintlocks are concerned. He is scheduled for a third shoulder surgery soon and said that would give him something do during his recovery. It'll be time well spent.

Just wanted to let you all know that a couple of Hoosiers stayed out of trouble today making good smoke. :hatsoff:

Best regards, Skychief.
It doesn't get much better than that. Congrats to your friend on a fine fowler and a great day shooting. Any specifics on the gun would be nice...and perhaps a picture...
Best regards :patriot:
I have no pictures to offer Basset. It was a kit from Track of the Wolf. He inherited just enough money from his late Dad (he passed a bit more than a year ago), for its purchase.

We sure miss him and carry a lot of great memories of hunting with him. My friend plans to engrave a memorial to him upon the gun at some point, referring to his Dad being along for another hunt, so long as that gun is carried afield. :thumbsup:

He stained the stock "ebony" as he likes a dark gun for hunting. Came out looking like "all business" just as he'd hoped it would.

Best regards, Skychief
Only tempted!
I would of mugged him :haha:

That sounds like a dream combo, beginner's luck :haha:

No, no am not jealous at all,,,,,much :wink:
