To Wad or Not to Wad...That is another question!

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32 Cal
Mar 4, 2024
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As a follow up to my Wax On/Wax Off post, I am using paper cartridges in my .36 1861 Pietta revolver. The Cartridge Kits paper kit does not mention using wads in the instructions. If I decide to pour instead of using the paper cartridge (If I run out and want to keep shooting), do I need to place the wad between the powder and ball? Along the same line of questioning, does the ball need to be patched in a revolver?
Absolutely no to patching. Whole different world than a muzzle loading rifle.

Wad traditionally goes between the powder and ball. Yea I am being a bit smart, it has occurred to me that the wad up front might be better than wad in between (cleans the barrel ahead of the ball).
Never patched balls

Otherwise, some people do both options of wads or not

To avoid most fouling you can go: powder > lubed wad > ball > lube/cylinder grease of your choice, usually lambs tallow+beeswax is best

If you don't care about fouling at the moment and just want to get a shot off fast: Powder > ball alone is fine

But the most simple yet still helpful way is what @Smokerr said: Powder > wad > ball
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