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Tomorrow is flintlock eve here in Pa.

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40 Cal
Oct 8, 2018
Reaction score
North West PA
Here in Pa. flintlock the deer season starts the 26th. I kinda aware there's something else going on tomorrow but the important thing is that's it flintlock eve.

I spent yesterday scouting and my plans are laid. I have two tags left. A doe tag and a buck or doe tag. I going to hunt at home on my land the first day. That's my best chance to fill that doe tag. I have two good stands picked out and a third if I need it. That decision will be left up to the weather and wind direction wed. morning. Ill take a stand the first two hours of daylight. Then still hunt a while. Take a break and go back out to a stand the last two hours of daylight.

Thursday I'll pack up and head to camp. Friday and Sat. Ill hunt the Allegheny National Forest. I have several good stands picked out there and Ill have the place to myself. Its been years since I've seen another hunter in the woods in flintlock season. Not as many deer up there but there are some big bucks so they trade off is worth it.

How about the rest of you PA boys? Who is going out?
I'll be out Wednesday Afternoon. In the AM going to deliver a cat to it's new home. We found a home for one of the many feral hanging around our place. Cute little bugger that is just content to sit on your lap and be petted. A bit odd for a feral thus ez to find home. Usually I just TNR.
After that I will be in the woods. I too have a buck and doe tag. Saw a bunch of bucks this year but no shooters. Could have had a few doe but I prefer to shoot the with the PRB.

Good luck to all those hunting
This will be the first time since 1976 I will miss the season. Been laid up for the past 8 weeks with a bad back. I missed the regular season but was hoping to get out for ML. Still might happen since 2B is open till Jan. 26 and I'm feeling better.
Here in Pa. flintlock the deer season starts the 26th. I kinda aware there's something else going on tomorrow but the important thing is that's it flintlock eve.

I spent yesterday scouting and my plans are laid. I have two tags left. A doe tag and a buck or doe tag. I going to hunt at home on my land the first day. That's my best chance to fill that doe tag. I have two good stands picked out and a third if I need it. That decision will be left up to the weather and wind direction wed. morning. Ill take a stand the first two hours of daylight. Then still hunt a while. Take a break and go back out to a stand the last two hours of daylight.

Thursday I'll pack up and head to camp. Friday and Sat. Ill hunt the Allegheny National Forest. I have several good stands picked out there and Ill have the place to myself. Its been years since I've seen another hunter in the woods in flintlock season. Not as many deer up there but there are some big bucks so they trade off is worth it.

How about the rest of you PA boys? Who is going out?
hope to hear a report on how you did, good luck and shoot straight!!!!
I was out before first light. Nice morning, about 28 degrees F. I was hunting with a Great Plains flintlock, 490 PRB over 65 GR. of FFF.
I saw two deer about 7:45. Both doe and they past to far out for me to try a shot. I sat as long as I could but by 9am. I was getting cramped up and decided to do some still hunting.

(Side note, Ive noticed that some guys from other states or countries don't know what we mean when we say "still hunting". Still hunting is moving through the woods very very slowly and quietly. Best done moving into the wind or crossing the wind lest whatever your hunting catches your sent.)

I still hunted for a few hour stopping for as much as 10 or 15 minutes when I came up on spots I wanted to watch a while. Kept this up till 11:30 and headed home for lunch. On the way in I jumped a deer from its bed not 200 ft. from the house. It was up and gone. No chance for a shot.

When I'm hunting from camp I usually take a small tea pot, cup, some tortillas and some sausage with me. Make a fire and boil water for tea and cook the sausage for a hot lunch. But when I'm hunting from home I usually go home for a hot lunch.

Back out by 12:30. To early to take up and evening stand so I hunted the opposite direction from the morning. I saw no deer and finally took up a stand at 3:00 PM planning to stay there till dark. I saw many squirrels, and owl, one coyote, flock of geese, and several different species of hawk but no more deer. Had a great hunt and looking forward to first light tomorrow.

If its not raining hard in the morning Ill go out for a morning hunt. Then I need to get things ready and pack up to leave for camp in the Allegheny National Forest for the weekend. The plan is to hunt there Friday and Sat. and come home Sunday. We'll see how things develop.

RickPa I'm sorry to hear about your missing the season. Hope your better soon and can get out.

Britsmoothy If I get another this season Ill certainly take a pic and post it.

Thank you to all that wished us luck.
I went out this morning before first light. I went to a stand I felt might see some early morning deer moving. Got antsy at about 9am. and still hunted for a few hours.

At around 10 am. I saw a group of three deer about 100 yards out. To far for me to shoot and the cover was to thin for me to move closer. I decided to just hold tight and maybe they would come to me. No such luck. They were browsing the other way and were soon out of sight. I headed in for lunch at 11 and saw one more deer on the way in. Unfortunately it saw me as well and was gone.

Went back out about 1230 and it was not long before I saw a deer bedded down maybe 80 yards ahead of me. I saw its ears move and that tipped me off. The wind was against me here and I decided to cut the wind and move to my right and make a stalk from the other direction. That didn't work out as by the time I was good with the wind I had pretty much lost the deer's position and decided to just hunt on.

At around 2PM I was in a good place to just have a seat against a tree and watch till dark. But I didn't have to. I saw a deer maybe 60 yards out moving toward me at a walk. Then another and another until I could make out 5 deer. All does. I picked a big one and cocked my rifle. They continued to move in my direction. When the big doe I wanted was within 40 yards I pulled the set trigger and got ready to shoot. When she hit what figured was 30 yards at the most she saw me and froze. I let out half a breath, squeezed through the hair trigger and watched her flip over backwards through the smoke. A second shot was not needed. She fell right where I shot her. I took a minute to thank her for her sacrifice, and filled out my tag.

The drag from there was tough and not much of interest to tell. That's my second whitetail deer with a flintlock this season. I have one more tag. I got this deer hung up and skinned this evening. Ill finish processing tomorrow and when the meats all taken care of Ill be out hunting Sat.

This deer fell to a .50 cal. 490 patched round ball, .015 patch over 65 GR. of FFF. Shot from my Great Plains flintlock Rifle. This of course is the same load I use in my other flintlock that took the last deer.
Excellent Logcutter! Congratulations on a great hunt and the good eating to come.

Best regards, Skychief.

PS, do you mind sharing where your ball struck her, resulting in her quick demise?
Excellent Logcutter! Congratulations on a great hunt and the good eating to come.

Best regards, Skychief.

PS, do you mind sharing where your ball struck her, resulting in her quick demise?

Thank you Sky Chief and nope I don't mind. She was walking straight at me. The ball took her center of the chest. Just below the base of the throat. She actually did kind of a back flip. The ball exited out past the last rib on her left side. The inside damage was massive.

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