Tow alternatives

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running horse

40 Cal.
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
I was looking at the bag of tow on jas tounsend and was wondering if there are alternatives out there now as well as historically? Would something like nettle or dogbane work for cleaning when tow isn't available?
I was trying to find the link from the University of VA that talked about the first settlers to Kentucky in their first year, used Nettles to make cloth, until they could raise flax the following year. Unfortunately the link does not seem to work anymore. But there is plenty of historic documentation on using nettles for cloth and that would also have yielded a "tow like" substance in lieu of tow.

I have "unwrapped" baler twine for many years. It is cheap (actually free) and works very well as a substitute for tow. :idunno: :idunno:
I think pieces of a worn out T shirt would be fine to clean a bore. I also think the reason they used tow back in the day was not because it was a superior material, but because it was available and cheap, not being spun into thread and woven.

Hemp isn't all that water absorbent, IIRC. I want something that will absorb the cleaning solution and slop it around down there. I don't know what baler twine is made of. So about any old rag will do.

Someone mentioned nettles, and they furnish very strong cordage, but are hard to harvest. They sting, at least the ones around here do. Flax and nettles have to be "retted", when the outside sheath dries and can be separated from the fibers.
I'm sure I can get a dump truck full of Spanish Moss. I have never even thought about using it myself.....but it makes so much sense to use it if you have access to it. :doh:
Hemp? You can buy it at Walmart and pick it apart. I have not cleaned with it on the bore, out side, and pot cleaning and fire starting it works as wall as tow.