If you provide the legislators with a list of all the other states that have a separate ML season, they will listen.
Every state is short of Revenue, and if they can generate more money by having such a separate season, They are likely to go for it. Get all the Maine MLing Gun Clubs to sign petitions for it, and get several legislators to sponsor it. Talk to your game department officials so they know the extent of interest by hunters in such a season.
Listen to what the Archers are saying. Often their objections involve only the closing of some days to them for such seasons. See if they won't agree to help get the MLing season open, provided they can still hunt with Bows. The Game department may still want them to wear blaze orange, for safety reasons, and some archers squawk about that. However, NO legislator is going to cross the game officials on issues relating to safety. That is right up there with motherhood, apple pie, and the American Flag. The more hunters in the field, the more deer are moved from their beds, and more hunters get a opportunity to shoot a deer. If archers are in the field, this works for them, too.