Waste of time.
You shoot a hog, wound it and it runs off (hogs run off in the exact direction pointed when shot and they have very poor eye sight, so how do they find you with major hurting and pain?
Now time to find the pistol, put a cap on it, now where did the hog go?
What are you going to do with the pistol, throw it in the the direction the hog went?
In all honesty, hogs are not a cross between cape buffalo and brown bears, they are not man killers. I am in the woods all week with hogs and have never been charged by one, we shoot and trap them all year except when it's hot.
I have 2 boars running with my cows and will come when called, that is scary, they want cubes and they are not man killers. The wife has named them, dumb and dumber. We can find them whenever we want to, honk the horn on the truck and they come.
Kind of scary is it not?
We are walking fence in the woods now when it's cold and the ticks are not out and th34 deer hunters are gone. The wife is walking the fences without a PISTOL and is not concerned for her safety, no fear of killer hogs.
Folks just like a bit of fear when out of their element and like to worry. I have more worry about Lime Disease than hogs.
Oh, you need to worry more about wearing surgical gloves when cleaning hogs than being attacked, that is your health risk.