Thoughts on building a pistol from the Track of the Wolf kits.
Building one of these guns takes almost all of the work of building one of the "box of parts" rifles offered by TOTW, Pecatonica River and others.
These are far from a "drop together" task.
The breech plug must be fitting to the barrel.
The barrel underlugs and sights must be installed. The lock mortice must be finished and the thru bolts that hold the lock in place must be located, drilled and tapped.
The barrel channel must be sized and cleaned up to accept the barrel, the trigger assembly must be fitted and the thru bolt from the barrel tang to the trigger plate must be located, drilled and tapped.
A knowledge of accurate measurement, filing, drilling, tapping, sanding and wood finishing is needed.
To make a long story shorter, a person planning on building one of these guns should plan on spending at lest 100 hours of their time working on it.
The one thing that separates the pistol kits from the rifle kits is the stock and barrel are less expensive.
Don't take this wrong.
Building a rifle or pistol from the basic parts is a very satisfying hobby but it is not a "piece of cake", by any means.
Anyone interested in building their pistol or rifle from one of these "box of parts" "kits" should spend some time reading the posts in our Gun Builders Bench area of the Forum.