Tried some different powder

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40 Cal.
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
I used up the last of my goex awhile back and broke out the GRAFF I ordered a few months ago.I didnt see any difference between the two powders except the Graff was cheaper.I even used it for my shot in the forum shootin contest and had a fairly decent shot.Clean up was the same as the goex so not a real difference there.Hopefully I'll see what the elk think of it this fall.
Are you getting the same velocity as well as accuracy??

More or less velocity could make an accuracty issue at long range. Just curious... I've never used anything but Goex.

Acurracy is the same.After I took my shot for the competition I shot some from a rest at 100 yards and was the same as with goex.I dont have a cronograph so I couldnt compair the two powders.
Half year ago I changed from Swiss to WANO (same as Graff). I find it more accurate out of my GPR and the fouling of WANO is much smoother than that of Swiss, so cleaning and loading after more shots is easier, and WANO is cheaper.

you are so rite dirk have found that myself,and here in ozy wano is near half the price of swiss.
bernie :thumbsup:
I tried a couple of pounds of the G&S powder and had the same experience as yourself. Same accuracy, same cleanup. All things being equal I
prefer Goex and the only reason I can give is just because. :hmm:

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