Seems like I've seen someone make wood screws on TV.
The tapered wood screws threads were hand filed and it didn't take much time to make a few.
Roy Underhill's name comes to mind but I'm not sure it was on his TV show or not.
By the way, although his show has not been on the air for several years, if you see a show called The Woodright (I think) by Roy Underhill, by all means watch it.
Everything he does is done as it was in the 18th and 19th century with the tools which were available then.
I watched him hand saw dovetails and when he was done, they fit together perfectly!
As for machine screws, there was no real standard in the 1700s so the gunmaker made his own tap by hand filing it. With this, it was no problem to make a die and with the two of them, screws and the tapped holes for them could be made.
Of course, some other gunsmiths screws wouldn't work because the other gunsmiths screws were different.