i just posted a question on the builders bench about a trigger creep problem.. i finnaly got my first buck with my .62 cal swamped rifle.. i flat out missed some shots this year.. when at the range i can do a pretty respectable job.. under 4 inche group with the first three shots off cross sticks is common. for arguments sake we will call it buck fever to get that over.. im 57 years old next month, and have been deer/elk/duck/ goose hunting since 15 years old.. half of that has been with muzzel loader..i have not hunted with a flintlock rifle before. :redface: . ( the biggest problem i had this year was not haveing the binoculars with me, i hope ive fixed that! bucks only and i have poor vision) what im seeing is if i dont squeeze my hand instead of simply squeezing the trigger im getting into trouble.. i would love to blame the inconsitent pull on my trigger which will sometimes drag 1/8 inch until it goes off.. if for any reason there is also or has a delay in ignition and anyone doesnt do the proper squeeze, i could miss when im shooting once a week as in a hunting situation, be it a grouse or deer, or what ever.. i know that guys using the older style locks like muskets dont have a fly and this can cause worse problems if you dont know how to handle its squeeze properly, so i dont have a complaint.. im just trying to figure if i need to have my lock fixed, or train myself to squeeze my hand which will overcome most of these type problems with a flintlock.. any coments on what helps you guys overcome this situation is welcome, dave..