Old Sparky
40 Cal
So I have decided I'm going to get my first smoothbore. I really really like the long land Brown bess carbine. I love the fact that it is 12 gauge and I will use a lot of shot in it. But I also wanted to be of hunting accuracy with a ball out to 50 yards at least. I like the idea of the large caliber because I am a very large person. But I'm wondering if I would get better roundball accuracy out of a 20 gauge. Like the 62 caliber fusils I've seen. Most of the fusal barrels are a little longer. This is going to be a hunting gun so weight is going to be a factor. I am really in love with the Brown Bess but I don't want to miss out on the potential accuracy of the longer fusil. I would love to hear some opinions on the matter. I plan on getting one from India. Although I am capable of drilling a touch hole I'm considering going with loyalist arms because they are proofed. What do you guys think?
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