Until today, the normal behavior of my Uberti 1860 Army was to jam up due to cap fragments falling in the hammer slot in the frame and between the cylinder and frame. This would occur on just about every cylinder full shot.I took the advice of some of our members and filled in the safety slot in the hammer with JB Weld. The result-48 shots(8 cylinders full) with no stoppages due to cap fragments. I took the pistol apart twice to wipe the fouling off the cylinder face and forcing cone. On two cylinders, I fired as fast as I could without raising the barrel or flipping the gun sideways before cocking the hammer. I used the same load as I used before applying the JB Weld which is 30grs. Goex 2F,Eastern Maine lubed wads, Remington #10 caps on top of Treso nipples and Hornady .454 balls. Tomorrow, my other two smokewagons(Uberti 3rd Model Dragoon and Uberti Walker) are going to meet Mr. JB Weld