This replica sat under glass at a local gunshop from 1991-2003. This is because I was unable to find a source for the extremely numerous springs and lock parts. When VTI GunParts and Cimarron proved reliable I picked it up.
The Paterson was made at the Patent Arms Company in Paterson N.J. and was the product of Sam Colts Developmental efforts throughout the early/middle 1830s. He produced it in various sizes with calibers ranging from .28-40. He even designed a huge .54 caliber that never went into production. Revolving long guns were the first out the door and saw some service in the Seminole War in Florida. The primary customer was the Navy of the Republic of Texas with the revolvers quickly being picked up by Texas Rangers. The 1836 "Texas Paterson" is the most familiar of the Patersons and is generally reported to have been .36 Caliber like the Uberti reproduction.
In late 1842, Patersons with loading levers arrived- much to the approval of Ranger Captain Jack Hays who realized that it would now be possible to load the revolvers from horseback. The loading drill for the first one is quite cumbersome
Standard gear for Ranging Companies included two Patersons, an 1842 Carbine, a couple of holster (saddle) pistols that were likely either the flintlock of 1837 or the Aston-Johnson type of caplock that came in in 1842. Jack Hayes had most of this gear with him when he got trapped on the top of the Enchanted Rock near present Kerrville and had to fight off a big party of Comanches before being rescued by his surveying party. They also took part in the Hays Big Fight- wherein a party of about 15 rangers is said to have defeated 80 of Buffalo Hump's Comanches with the Patersons.
An' Artist's conception of this fight appears on the Dragoon and other revolvers.
The Uberti has a light trigger that makes up to some degree, for the odd-shaped grip. Precision shooting is not really in the offing but delivers "Combat Accuracy" out to a useful range. The rangers usually shot from horseback or at mounted targets so Hay's injunction " Don't shoot until you can touch 'em, boys!" turned out to be good advice.
The Patent Arms Company went broke in 1842 having produced about 2800 revolving handguns of all types and a number of revolving cylinder rifles and shotguns.
50 foot one-handed. Note trigger folds up into the frame and drops down when the hammer is cocked.