Uberti Remington 1858 - Vendors

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36 Cal.
Apr 2, 2006
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Phoenix, AZ
I'm interested in purchasing a standard blued .44 cal 1858 Remington and after reading up on them, would like to buy a Uberti. Apart from Dixie Gun Works and Taylor's & Co., are there any other reputable sources I should check out?

Any opinions on whether Uberti is worth the price premium over Pietta.

Thanks for your advice!

Fall Creek Suttlers, Blockade Runner these are a couple of civil war suttler who carry sidearms. My son bought his stainless steel Remington form Fall Creek, and I bought a Mellenium from them also. Almost any Civil War sutler carries pistols and even the long guns. You might even try the Possible Shop, and Track of the Wolf.
Any chance of driving to the store to buy one? This way you get to inspect before you buy. I drive 200 miles round trip to buy my revolvers these days, and the store sells powder & caps as well, so no hazmat fee!

S&S firearms out of Glendale, NY. 2010 cat has them for $277.00 They have the Big Colt Dragoon's for $318.00 BTW.
Texas Jack has good prices, but their web site is not very informative or well set up. As I understand it they are one of (if not THE) primary importer of Uberti pistols. Also as I understand it, the Cimarron Uberti pistols are subject to a couple of additional quality control checks so your chances of getting a lemon are somewhat reduced. The Cimarron imported pistols also command a bit more of a premium. As far as I can tell Texas Jack does not sell any of the things you will need to actually shoot your pistol.

My buddy and I just ordered a Cimarron Uberti 1860 Colt Army, a Lyman Great Plains rifle and most all of the stuff we will need to shoot them from Buffalo Arms Co. in Idaho. Pistol price was better than Texas Jack, but they didn't have the std. blue finish in stock so we had to go with charcoal finish for about $40 extra. Have not received the shipment yet so can't say I recommend them or not, but after several weeks of research they seemed like the place to deal with.

Happy hunting!
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Thanks to all of you for your thoughtful comments. There's a lot of great information that you've all provided and it's much appreciated!

I didn't realize it until researching your comments that there is a Cimarron distributor within a couple of miles of me. I'll need to drive over to examine their stock first hand. I'd love to pay a personal visit to several of those shops, especially Blockade Runner in TN (to take a battlefield tour, see their museum, etc and to Texas Jacks. I noticed that they charge $277.95 for an 1858 Uberti (std. finish) and $333.41 for an 1858 Cimarron (std. finish). Any ideas why the significant price difference between the two?

Thanks again to all of you for your great help!

I have a Cimmaron Uberti Remington with a 5.5" barrel that I bought last fall. The differences are many. 1-the pistol is hand selected for fit and finish, 2-the cylinder, frame and barrel are all proofed 3 they give it a bit of a trigger job for a smoother operation 4-they guarantee the pistol for a full year and not the common Uberti warranty.
I had decided to buy a Colt 1861 Navy some years back and stopped at a somewhat local shop that catered to BP shooters. I ended up buying a Uberti 1858 Remington because the fit and finish was so much better than the other revolvers. The timing and lockup was perfect, and I've always been fussy about revolvers....at the range it was well beyond expectation. It shot ragged hole groups at 25 yards with both .454"RBs and Lyman hollowbase slugs. POI was slightly low and right, but the front sight is dovetailed for adjustment.

I would definitely want to handle a revolver prior to purchasing.
Poor Private, thanks for the pointers on the upgrades of the Cimarrons over the standard Ubertis. That'll be nice to keep in mind. I hope I'm able to look a pair over side by side (Uberti and Cimarron/Uberti).

I forgot about that dovetailed front sight. I noticed that one a few 1858s when I went to the SASS Winter Range (spectating only).

Who ever you buy from be sure you have return privileges in the event you get a lemon. It's a crap shoot at best. There are venders that well not except returns.
Excellent point! That's another reason to handle them first, to feel what you're getting for the money.

I have dealt with Regimental Quartermaster in Gettysburg Pa. They are often at CW re-enactments and are on the internet as well. Their store in G'burg is near the Y intersection near the Cemetery. If a reenacter needs it, they've got it. I have made several purchases from them and have enjoyed doing business with them FWIW. GrampaJ in NC :hatsoff:
Just wanted to chime in on this. I bought my Uberti Remington from Buffalo Arms and have positively no problems with them or their service.
However, Cimarron Arms is their supplier and responsible for service on defective guns.
After firing about 25 shots from mine the loading lever latch fell off. I called Cimarron arms, hoping they could ship me a new latch that I could file down and install myself and they referred me to their gunsmith.
I left three messages for him. He didn't return any of my calls.
So I got a center punch, peened the hell out of the latch and the dovetail on the barrel, put a bit of loctite to it, and reinstalled it myself. It seems good and tight and will probably never think about falling out again.
However, I did call Cimarron for some service and they essentially ignored me. Just something to keep in mind.

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