Uberti Walker first shots

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36 Cal.
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Shot my Uberti Walker for the first time Friday :thumbsup:
40 gr. of 3f,dry wool over powder wad,a little filler & .454 ball, Remington #11 caps.
Standing two hand hold, sights at 6 O'clock, 25 yards. Think I'll keep this one :wink:

That's real good for an initial effort. I would also try 40-45 gr of 2F, if you can get it. I would also recommend playing around w/ various lubes on the wads. It doesn't really prevent leading, as far as I can tell, but it does seem to keep the fouling soft so you can shoot longer and clean up faster when you are done.
Buckeye66 said:
Shot my Uberti Walker for the first time Friday :thumbsup:
40 gr. of 3f,dry wool over powder wad,a little filler & .454 ball, Remington #11 caps.
Standing two hand hold, sights at 6 O'clock, 25 yards. Think I'll keep this one :wink:


Fabulous first attempt! congrats :bow: . If you ever want to feel a little more UMMPHH from the mighty Walker, try my loading of 52 grains of 3Fg Goex, a well-lubed wonder-wad (extra lube applied to wad from tube) and the .454 round ball. Aimpoint is 6.5" below the center of the X-ring. This load wins competitions against single-shot pistols with adjustable sights :wink: .

Again, a very nice target, well done!
