Goex Cartridge powder is explained in this reply from Goex to a shooter:
"...Dear Mr. G, Thank you for your inquiry. Cartridge grade powder is a grain size that is between 2f and 3f in size. It is held to a tighter specification for grain size than the other powders, and receives an additional coating of graphite in the manufacturing process..."
I wonder what pros & cons there might be in using a 2.5F, heavily graphite coated Goex powder with mofre consistently sized kernels in a Flintlock or caplock..."theoretically", better shot-to-shot burn rate / consistency, slightly tighter groups, etc...maybe an eyelash more fouling than 2F...maybe an eyelash less pressure jump and less recoil...
Anybody run any good tests using Goex "2.5F" Cartridge grade powder?
Anybody know how its price compares to a regular can of Goex 2F or 3F?
"...Dear Mr. G, Thank you for your inquiry. Cartridge grade powder is a grain size that is between 2f and 3f in size. It is held to a tighter specification for grain size than the other powders, and receives an additional coating of graphite in the manufacturing process..."
I wonder what pros & cons there might be in using a 2.5F, heavily graphite coated Goex powder with mofre consistently sized kernels in a Flintlock or caplock..."theoretically", better shot-to-shot burn rate / consistency, slightly tighter groups, etc...maybe an eyelash more fouling than 2F...maybe an eyelash less pressure jump and less recoil...
Anybody run any good tests using Goex "2.5F" Cartridge grade powder?
Anybody know how its price compares to a regular can of Goex 2F or 3F?