Update: Solid Rubber Ball as practic alternative

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May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Found a company who makes molded solid rubber 'no-bounce' balls for $42/1000.
They're going to try and find a few loose samples in 3/8", 7/16", and 1/2" to send me for measuring.

If their 7/16" and 1/2" are manufactured tightly around .438" & .500" respectfully...and if they are of the same quality & performance as the .410"s that shot so well in the .40cal...we'll have found a source for cheap alternative practice balls for the .45 and .50cals.

Probably be a week before I get them...let you know.
I'll be interested in seeing how those .45s and .50s measure out. Sometimes I plink at 25 yards when I'm out on the pistol range anyway, and they sound like they'd be a nice, inexpensive alternative.
Wattsy said:
would you "patch" a .500 ball?
Oh yes...use them the same way you'd use a lead patched ball...that's why I want to get a few to mic and also see how much compression there is before ordering a thousand.

For example, the .410" rubber balls I posted about a couple weeks ago are outstanding in my .40cal (.400") using a .015" patch. The ball was already .010" oversize for the bore, then add in .030" patch material...but it seems that cloth patch material compress about in half so that would leave .015" material and .010" oversize ball for a total of .025" oversize.

But the ball compressed enough to offset that...it was tight enough that I couldn't thumb start it but it punched in normally with a short starter and I suspect that good snug fit accounted for its excellent accuracy.

Assuming I get some samples which mic OK, I'll order some, run tests, then post a complete report about everything...the advertised sizes, the actual mic'ed sizes, weight, prices, contact and ordering info, etc.
roundball said:
Wattsy said:
would you "patch" a .500 ball?
Oh yes...use them the same way you'd use a lead patched ball...that's why I want to get a few to mic and also see how much compression there is before ordering a thousand.

For example, the .410" rubber balls I posted about a couple weeks ago are outstanding in my .40cal (.400") using a .015" patch. The ball was already .010" oversize for the bore, then add in .030" patch material...but it seems that cloth patch material compress about in half so that would leave .015" material and .010" oversize ball for a total of .025" oversize.

But the ball compressed enough to offset that...it was tight enough that I couldn't thumb start it but it punched in normally with a short starter and I suspect that good snug fit accounted for its excellent accuracy.

Assuming I get some samples which mic OK, I'll order some, run tests, then post a complete report about everything...the advertised sizes, the actual mic'ed sizes, weight, prices, contact and ordering info, etc.

Cant wait for the report! :applause:

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