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urban wildlife... fetch me my smokepole, Maw!

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Aug 8, 2010
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Living in a large metropolitan area and surrounded on all sides by miles of subdivisions, I don't really expect to see much wildlife. Not true, there is a constant parade. The latest came strolling through my back yard a couple of days ago, a doe and her two fawns. I wonder how they keep up with the seasons. :grin:

They are showing you their backsides cause they know hunting season is over :rotf: . Don't tell me they can't read!. The first thing they do is say "Lets see, hunting season starts in so an so month, and ends here" " After that we can take a stroll thu the backyards an stuff!".
Depending on where you are in the good 'ole USA, you MAY be able to get a "depredation permit" that allows you to harvest deer IN the local parks & even your neighbors backyards.
(Northern VA & suburban MD has over 200 WT per square mile & I was "begged by County Animal Control", starting in 2008, to get an archery permit & start "removing surplus deer" with my XB.)

In 2012, a listener to WMAL "AM talk-radio" stated that he was "looking at 67 deer in my front yard right now. I just counted them." & he stated that he would sign a permit for anybody to "come & thin them out, as they are eating my expensive landscaping down to the ground."

ImVho, this is NOT "hunting". Instead it is "shooting" & nothing more than that, as the "urban deer" aren't even afraid.
BUT it is a great way to "fill the freezer" with free meat AND to "feed the hungry", through groups like HUNTERS FOR THE HUNGRY.

yours, satx
Nice pictures, Spence. You guys got you some dark-legged deer down there in Kentucky!
It"s a strange world we live in! I live in the country on a farm. In one direction I could walk for several miles and not come to a house. AND probably not see a Deer either. Coyotes and Cockroaches will be the last living thing on earth. :grin: Larry
Jaeger said:
You guys got you some dark-legged deer down there in Kentucky!
That's largely a lighting effect, I suspect because of the snow on the ground fooling the light meter in the camera. They aren't really that dark.

Coyotes and Cockroaches will be the last living thing on earth.

The rest of that quote includes Whitetail deer. Roughly from a bad memory " Coyotes, cockroaches and whitetail deer will be the creatures around to see the demise of man kind". Was it Aldo Leoupuld who said it? I think he gave short shift to Rabbits but that is just my opinion.
I didn't know any one said that. :) Wish the Deer would get on with the populating process. :grin: Rabbits are gone also. The only animal doing any good against the Coyote's are Squirrels. :( Thanks for the heads up on the saying. Larry
Fwiw, I "went for coffee" at a friend's home this AM in the Stone Oak subdivision (a VERY densely populated "up-scale" neighborhood) of SA, about 10AM.

While we were enjoying our coffee, I counted/commented on 23 deer that were grazing within 100M of where we were sitting. - Tom's comment was, "They are eating our neighborhood up."

yours, satx
Tetsa Prowler said:
...I think he gave short shift to Rabbits but that is just my opinion.

That's true but because the rabbits weren't organized, represented by, and tithing The Union like the others! One knuckle-dragging paw washes the other -- capiche?

And 200 deer/sq. mile? Really!?
Now I know why I hardly ever see any in the woods around here. Them suckers all went to town. :cursing:

When I lived in San Antone, Texas had an over population problem with deer. They were seen dead all over the highways. The ranchers were charging so much to hunt that 25 deer to a heard was not uncommon. They were small though, Great Dane size.
This was 1978-81.
I hunt about every other day and seldom see a shootable deer on public land. My kids live around Tallahassee and have deer and occasionally a bear in their yards.
Of course, they can't shoot them.
I work for a small town street dept and in my duties im all over town at different times of the day and see big bucks all the time. A couple of yrs ago we had to go help get one out of school that was just strolling through. Did'nt look any smarter when we run it out though :idunno:
ImVho (and with tongue firmly planted in my left cheek), the "urban deer" moved into the cities & suburbs so that they wouldn't be accused of being:
"You know those deer from fly-over country, that we don't have to listen to because they are just uneducated & stupid".

WTs are "really, really sensitive" & get their feelings hurt easily, don't all ya'll know?

yours, satx :rotf:
Well of course he didn't learn much. = You didn't let him stay long enough to get "edumakated".

On a similar note: In 2007, My Aunt June (who then lived in the city of Laramie, WY) was watching TV one fall morning when a BIG buck crashed through the front picture window & then immediately ran out through the glass on her patio door, jumped off the upper deck & disappeared out of sight.
(Aunt June said that, "I was so shocked that I couldn't say a word or even jump up out of the chair." - Then she LOL & and said, "I won't repeat what your Uncle Bill said, when he saw the mess - Wasn't real pretty.")

yours, satx
rawhidekid said:
When I lived in San Antone, Texas had an over population problem with deer. They were seen dead all over the highways. The ranchers were charging so much to hunt that 25 deer to a heard was not uncommon. They were small though, Great Dane size.
This was 1978-81.
Not much has changed around central Texas, small deer and plenty of them. Austin is absolutely packed with them eating up gardens and plants much to the horror of the city folks. Everybody screams for something to be done but using professional hunters to weed the population is screamed at even louder. Several years ago the tree huggers tried the old rocket launched net deal to keep from hurting Bambi...results were predictable! 69% had to be put down because they broke their legs struggling and thrashing in the nets! Idiots!
Yeah, I saw that story about the buck doing that on the news too.

Never thought to make it my aunt though...
