I have a collection of antique English sporting memorabilia and accessories related to wing-shooting. Among the items is a Bill of Laden that shows one of the line items "Shot 7 - 450 k" with the destination of New Boston, N. America. I always wondered if this was bags, a barrel or what. That's a heavy container if it's one. Anyway, someone was buying it in the U.S.A. There's no other detail, nor shotgunning related items on this Bill of Laden. I guess it's size 7 shot and 450 Kilograms? There are other items, like "Leaf 200 - Brn. 100" that I cannot figure out what it refers to. Then there's "Shaft 100, 160". That is assumed to be like shovel handles of English hardwood, 160 mm in length. "Cooper, She., Radc. Dist." is the addressee. I was told this was a distributor, or drygoods store Cooper, Sheath, Radcliffe Distributors. To store 450 kg of #7 shot for sale they had to have a location that would have buyers interested in it.