OOPs another thought or 2. Make sure the nipples hold the caps well! Chain Firing tends to occur more at the back of the cylinder than the front through loose or missing caps. The flame coming out of a nipple can throw enough hot stuff to light off the other chambers. (As proven in high speed video). I do not like pinched caps for that reason... Use #10's or get better nipples for 11's. You paid good money for the revolver, Don't blow it up for lack of a few dollars worth of nipples. Not to mention what a chain fire will do to your shorts!! :thumbsup:
& about the Crisco on the front... It makes a HELL of a mess, attracts dirt, it melts, gets in your holster, yucchh. Use a wool felt wad (wonderwad) barely dampened w/ ballistol, BoreButter, SlikLoad, etc over the powder. Much neater way to soften fouling.. DOC