That's an interesting idea of making a wine from walnuts as opposed to a liqueur. I sure wouldn't use the green walnuts as was mentioned in the article. I have eaten green walnuts and they taste terrible. :shake: They have a bitter tannin taste to them. :barf: If I were going to try making a wine from walnuts, I'd use only the ripe ones. But the question in my mind is whether any fruit is added. I could be wrong, but it just seems to me that walnuts by themselves would not have all that much flavor. Besides, you would have to add some kind of sugar to feed the yeast. Plain old common table sugar wouldn't bring much flavor to the finished product. I don't have any idea what the original recipe may have called for :idunno: but I just think that some fruit such as raisins, dates, etc. would be needed.
If you make some, let me know how it turns out and what you used to make it.