Wad Size

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32 Cal.
Jan 18, 2016
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I'm fairly new with cap and ball revolvers and have a Uberti 1860 Army. I want to start making my own wads and am wondering about the size they should be. I currently use wads from the Possibles Shop that are .480. This has probably been beat to death already but when you look for an answer you get such a wide range of sizes. I would like to get one of these http://www.buffaloarms.com/Detail.aspx?PROD=160593&CAT=4113 and I am looking for a an answer on the size of wad it cuts.

According to the manufacturer they make wads with a diameter of .459. Will this size of wad be okay for the 1860 Army?
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Just so you know, if you can find a spent 45 Long Colt cartridge just sharpen the edges a bit and it makes a great wad cutting tool. It won't be as good or as quick as the wad cutting punch you want to buy, but it does work.

Track Of The Wolf Muzzleloading supplies can steer you right for the size wad punch you need.
I make my wads out of durofelt using a 12 mm punch (this gives me .47 inch wads which is as close as I could get for a chamber that takes .454 round ball; the 11mm was a bit small at .433 inches.) These work just fine for me.
I bought a hole punch set from Harbor Freight and use the 7/16 punch. I opened up the i.d. a little with a dremel tool and about .450+- and the whole set is only about $9.

I use felt that I purchased from Durofelt. I didn't have much luck locally finding old felt hats etc. locally. I use a lube made from a mix of beeswax, lard and paraffin. You could probably use any of the many concoctions recommended on this site. These wads work great and I just shot my 58 remmie reproduction this last week that was loaded with BP and these wads the first part of December at the start of our local deer season. All six fired with no evidence of deterioration in power.
I also make my own wads out of durofelt. I bought some punches from TOTW. Honestly can't remember the size, but I have one for .36 and one for .44.

I don't really think the size is critical. You just want it to be close, and to fit. If you think about it, the wad will probably compress when you seat the ball, and even expand outward to meet the cylinder wall if it doesn't already.
Besides that, the pressure from the powder igniting will probably do it for you!!

Anyway, I wouldn't get too wrapped up about it. I reckon we sometimes over think these things.
We don't weigh every charge on a scale, and we don't use a pressure gauge to consistently seat each ball etc, etc. So a few hundredths or thousandths of an inch either way on a wad is likely to be insignificant.

I would go with something that is about .457 or so. My Uberti guns like .457 roundballs, so that would be a great starting point. I would think .480 would be a bit oversize.

Just my 2 cents,
If it were me, I'd buy this set http://www.harborfreight.com/9-piece-hollow-punch-set-3838.html I am sure it is not as well made as the one that you are looking at but it is quite serviceable, a LOT cheaper and will serve you for a long time. They also make a set that will fit in your drill press. Wads cut from felt are flexible and a 1/2 inch wad will fit most all .45 and .50 caliber bores very nicely. It is a snug fit in a .45 but that is what you want. This http://www.durofelt.com/image_26.html is excellent felt for making your wads.
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