Western National - Weather?

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At this time of the year it's hard to say what it will do. Most of the Ca storms seem to die out when they make it over the mountain but a few days ago a good one made it here.
I got 1 1/4 inches in my back yard although the National Weather station 6 miles south of me only got .88.

Because Ben Avries range is about 25 miles north of me it is also about 1200 feet higher. It is also about 20-30 miles south of the south side of the Bradshaws (Big Mountain range) so storms will sometimes come down off the mountain that far.

The forcast is for today (Thursday) and tomorrow is Showers. Saturday Sunday is supposed to clear. Today it is small clouds with the temperature about 68 F.
By the way, "showers" in the Phoenix area means showers or just poofie clouds with lots of blue sky between them like today is.
I hope the weather forecasters in Arizona are better than those in Colorado. Why, just last week I got 12" of "partly cloudy" in my backyard.
The weather man was about right so far. I intended to go out on Friday but it was overcast and looked like rain. If your a Zonie, that's enough to keep you home.
I did go this morning (Sat) and it was great with blue skys and some Poofie clouds but about 2:00 the sky turned gray, the wind picked up and the temperature dropped from about 69 to about 55. As I didn't have a jacket, that was enough for the day.
It is supposed to be nice thru Monday but who knows?