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What size caps are these?

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45 Cal.
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
I looked all over this old tin of caps I've had since the 80s and can't find a size. They did fit an Ithaca Hawken rifle though.
I did mention these caps did fit onto a nipple on an Ithaca Hawken rifle when I used to shoot it more, back in the 80s. I still have the rifle but over the years I've fooled with pistols too so wasn't too sure what size these were.
Remington used a paper tape to seal the tin of caps. That tape was marked with the cap size. Once the tape was removed to open the tin, the size information was lost. If the caps fit the Ithaca Navy Hawken, the caps are size #11.
Remington used a paper tape to seal the tin of caps. That tape was marked with the cap size. Once the tape was removed to open the tin, the size information was lost. If the caps fit the Ithaca Navy Hawken, the caps are size #11.
Ah Ha! Thanks for that little tid bit. I do have three more unopened tins I never looked at. Duh!